
Sexual harassment is a union issue too

When I first became involved in the union movement, the mantra was to focus on wages, hours, and working conditions, while staying away from everything else.

A manufactured crisis

The real crisis isn't on the southern border. It’s in the Oval Office. 

Why I’m happy about 2018

The year 2018 will be viewed as pivotal for the American labor movement.

Does Burgerville really ‘serve with love’?

Burgerville's top executive preaches "Biblical entrepreneurship," but in practice the company has been reluctant to move away from a low-wage business model.

Governor Kate Brown: Guiding Oregon Forward

Kate Brown is a big reason why Oregon is on the move, and we need her leadership for the next four years.

GUEST OPINION: The West Coast has become a wall halting landlocked states from exporting coal

Just because the Millennium Bulk Export Terminals project would ship coal, it has endured the most extensive project review in the history of Washington State.

Election crunch time

Knute Buehler and a dark money campaign have spent millions to bring down Oregon Governor Kate Brown.

GUEST OPINION: Freedom Foundation’s SPAM assault

What to do when anti-union email arrives in your inbox.

Missouri: Roadmap to victory

The hustle by unions on the ground in Missouri was remarkable.

Ballot measure fight coming this November

Four initiatives heading for the Oregon ballot reflect a far-right, corporatist agenda, but the union movement stands ready to repeal them. 

A union is still the best option for workers

The future of our movement is not dependent on the whim of the president or a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.

America’s search for our moral compass

Unbridled capitalism is failing the vast majority of Americans.

Use tax dollars to incentivize the creation of middle wage green jobs

The emerging clean economy can be the keystone of a good wage and benefit strategy.

Making roadway construction zones safer

More roadway construction workers are killed each year by construction equipment and vehicles than by on-road vehicles. How can we make it safer?

Replace NAFTA, don’t make it worse

Can President Trump deliver on his pledge to make trade agreements better for American workers?

A new era in American unionism

What might a post-Janus world look like? West Virginia just gave us a glimpse.

The lessons of 1968 still matter today

Dr. King’s vision of unifying economic and racial justice cannot be forgotten.

The Strength of Standing Together

The lessons of 2017 can teach us a lot about how to move forward.

Making the labor movement safe for all workers

High-ranking union officials used positions of power to pressure women subordinates for sexual favors. That's unacceptable.

Trickle-down Trump

President Trump’s tax cut proposal is a continuation of President Reagan’s failed tax plan, or “Trickle Down Economics.”