
They will never stop us striking

The U.S. Supreme Court showed its true anti-union colors yet again in their wrong-headed ruling on Glacier Northwest v. Teamsters Local 174.

Bring back wage boards

Wage boards — created by state or local governments — recommend minimum standards for wages, benefits, working conditions, and training.

Discord in Concord: Erasing ‘The Rebel Girl’

New Hampshire is removing a historical marker honoring labor heroine Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. As erasure of labor's story, it fits a pattern.

The Movement to Meet the Moment

More workers are turning to labor than at any point in recent memory. It’s going to require us to be strategic about how we build power. 

Save Our VA

Why VA hospital workers and patients oppose privatization .

Taking the temperature on our times

There are signs that change is coming. Fully 71% of Americans support unions. And voters see that inequality devastates our communities.

Should Multnomah County residents approve a capital gains tax to fund tenant representation?

We asked representatives of both the pro- and anti-campaigns to give us their best arguments as to how union households should vote.

China’s not trading fairly, and Congress should do something about it

First our hubris and then our neglect aided Beijing’s ambitions, weakened our capabilities, and hollowed out our middle class.

Less talk and more action this Workers Memorial Day

Oregon is often seen as a model for strong labor standards, but it ranks lowest in the nation when it comes to OSHA penalties.

In defense of regulation

Unions have led the fight for strong regulations and vigorous enforcement to protect the safety and health of workers and their communities.

Rest in power, Sister Aida

The Oregon labor movement suffered a great and devastating loss on Feb. 27 when our sister Aida Aranda passed away suddenly. 

Lawmakers must center workers

Oregon workers are geared up to make real progress during this year's in-person legislative session, which kicked off on January 17.

2023: New Year, New Worker Protections

Several key laws championed by the Oregon labor movement went into effect this month, affirming Oregon's reputation of being "Union Strong."

Presents from Partners: Union family and allies step up in support

Through collective action, LCSA was able to serve almost 200 families and 500 children during this year's Presents from Partners event.

Rethinking the Dream

Rooted in Christian morality and a class-conscious awareness of power, King knew his dream could only be achieved with a change in the economic system.


Now derailed, the possible strike by 12 rail unions representing 125,000 workers would have been historic.

2022: The year of the worker?

This year has seen working people and their unions more central to the mainstream national narrative than in quite some time.

Never bet against the workers

The American labor movement was the difference-maker in countless races and our nation, and democracy, will be better off for it.

Uncle Sam: Stop pushing child care workers into poverty

The federal government is paying for physical infrastructure and support for industries like electronics. Where is the support for child care?

Why I’m with Tina

Tina Kotek has a record of passing pro-worker legislation with a drive that’s all too rare on the D side of the chamber.