Collective bargaining

ATU vs. TriMet case headed for Oregon Supreme Court

Can public sector unions and their employers allow the press and members of the public to observe union contract negotiations?

Vigor shipyard workers vote to extend contract to Sept. 1

The extension will give the sides more time to address problems with multi-employer pension plans.

DEAL: Daimler and unions reach agreement on a new 5-year contract at the Portland truck plant

Wages will rise by $3.25 an hour for the plant's 500+ workers.

At Malarkey Roofing Products, talk of a strike

The family-run company has hired a known union-buster to lead negotiations.

Nabisco union standoff leads to wave of retirements

Representatives of Mondelēz unions from around the world will meet in Chicago Sept. 20-21.

911 in turmoil as Portland union contract goes to arbitration

Understaffing is leading to daily forced overtime, and sometimes, dangerous call wait times.

Contract, not strike, for Portland janitors

A new union contract will raise wages to at least $15 an hour over a four-year period for nearly 2,000.

Portland airport retail workers get raises in first union contract with UNITE HERE

World Duty Free at first fought the union, but later it reinstated four fired union supporters and reached agreement on a first contract.

At KGW-TV, unions take stand against ‘Uberization’ of news

Meanwhile, in Seattle, City Council takes the unions' side.

Cure for corporate medicine: A doctors’ union contract

Doctors who unionized to fight outsourcing at PeaceHealth in Springfield now have a first contract.

Finally: Stagehands at Oregon Shakespeare Festival have their first union contract

A year after stagehands voted to unionize, they have a contract with raises and job security.

IATSE trying to get first contract for riggers at Rhino NW

Labor steps up the pressure as company ignores NLRB orders, refuses to bargain

Grocery workers ratify new UFCW union contracts

The Oregon and Southwest Washington contracts raise wages and maintain health benefits.

TriMet wants two-year extension to its union contract (or does it?)

TriMet management likes the agency’s union contract so much that it’s proposing to extend it two years.

Verizon strike goes nationwide

The East Coast landline strike spreads, with solidarity pickets around the country.

Union standoff widens at Nabisco

BCTGM says Mondelēz’ Mexican workers are represented by a bogus company-dominated union.

Oregon Shakespeare Festival drags out union bargaining

Eleven months after unionizing, workers still don’t have a first contract.

KGW-TV on trial for labor violation

KGW wants an end to union jurisdiction, but won't show why it needs that

USW reaches deal to end ATI lockout

New hires won't get pension benefits under the deal between USW and ATI.

Nabisco wants to end Bakers’ pension

BCTGM says it won't agree to end the pension. The previous contract expired Feb. 29.