Collective bargaining

St. Charles hospital in Bend recommits to negotiations after nine-day strike by medical techs

After trying over a year to get a first union contract, 143 medical technologists at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend walked off the job.

Nabisco extends union contracts but closes plants

BCTGM agreed to extend nationwide contracts to the end of May and raise wage 2.25%. But Nabisco is closing plants in Georgia and New Jersey.

Workers at Grand Central Baking ratify their first union contract

In its first contract with Bakers Local 114, the wholesale bakery will pay overtime after 8.5 hours and raise wages 8% over three years.

Machinists win second grievance at Mondelēz  

Mondelēz agreed to pay $1,040 each to 34 Machinists Lodge 63 members for having subcontracted demolition work on a production line.

TriMet declares impasse in contract bargaining

An arbitrator will decide if the transit agency can scrap its mechanic apprenticeship program.

Portland-area drivers win raises in first Teamster contract

The contract locks in raises of $2.25 an hour and enrolls workers in the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension.

DePaul Treatment accused of bad faith bargaining

Oregon AFSCME says getting management to schedule a bargaining session has been a serious challenge — they've met three times since unionizing in September.

AFSCME Local 88 ratifies 1-year contract extension with Multnomah County

The contract covers 3,200 County workers and the extension provides for a 2.9% cost of living adjustment effective July 1.

Wages rise over $3 an hour in new Painters contracts

The July 1 raises are the culmination of a ready-to-strike strategy the union set in motion in 2017.

Nude dancers picket Portland clubs

In the group PDXStripperStrike, dancers borrow some union tactics, and get some union wins.

Heroes no longer? Fred Meyer ends hero pay

Grocery sales are booming, and prices saw the largest one-month jump in 46 years, and yet Fred Meyer is ending the $2 bonus pay it began March.

Teamsters strike at Hood River Distillery continues

Two dozen workers walked off the job May 6 and all are still out on strike.

City of Portland unions will vote on furloughs in which workers could actually come out ahead

The federally funded Work Share program will make up for wages lost during furloughs, and city budget savings are earmarked to prevent layoffs.

Teamsters strike Hood River Distillers

The producer of Pendleton Whisky, Aviation Gin, Jose Cuervo tequila, and Monarch spirits overrode union objections and imposed its own terms.

City of Portland asks unions for pay freeze

Nothing has been agreed to yet, and union negotiators for the District Council of Trade Unions and Laborers Local 483 want more detail about the budget hit.

Four-year contract fight ends as Mondelēz-Nabisco struggles to keep workers on the job in the COVID crisis

The new national contract contains significant union concessions, ending the pension and giving the company the right to use temps during the COVID crisis.

OHSU grad workers win first contract

The unanimously ratified contract includes an immediate $80-a-month increase, three annual raises of 3%, dependent health coverage, and caps hours of work.

Support your transit workers!

Local 757 says TriMet plans to eliminate mechanic apprenticeship programs and privatize bus service for the benefit of big companies like Amazon and FedEx.

Legal Aid workers Rally for Fair Wages

The union says low wages have hindered Legal Aid’s ability to attract and retain the staff they need to provide legal services to low-income Oregonians.

SPEEA workers at Boeing split in narrow votes on contract extension

A unit of over 12,000 engineers narrowly voted to accept a four-year contract extension, while a unit of 5,000 technical workers voted to reject it.