Keen-eyed local unionists might have noticed something familiar about a location in a recent episode of the comedy show Portlandia: It’s the regional satellite office of the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters. Of course, that wasn’t obvious: In the show, the union sign on the front of the building was digitally replaced with “Make-A-Wish” for a skit about a very immature man (played by Fred Armisen) diagnosed with cancer. But that is the union office in Season 5, Episode 3, “Health Care,” which aired Jan. 22 on the IFC cable network.
Regional Council spokesperson Ben Basom says the film crew shot a second skit at the office, which may even feature union secretary Martha Verduzco as an extra, though it hadn’t aired as this issue went to press.
Basom says the union was approached last year by a location scout who admired the building. The Regional Council allowed Portlandia to use its location at no charge, and filming took place over about four hours Aug. 1. Portlandia is famed for lampooning Portland’s quirks. It’s available through Hulu, iTunes and Amazon, and on Netflix streaming.