The District Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) ratified a new contract with the City of Portland by a relatively slim margin, with just 57% in support. Mark Hinkle, chief negotiator for the DCTU, said it was the closest vote he could recall in his 25 years bargaining with the city.
The council negotiates a contract for around 200 workers represented by five union. This is the first contract the DCTU negotiated since American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 189 and its 1,100 workers left the council.
The two sides reached tentative agreement (TA) on a new contract Feb. 5, the day before the unions were set to go on strike.
“One of the things we kept telling the City at the table was we wouldn’t TA something we knew wouldn’t be passed by the membership. I think this vote shows that we were correct in our statement at the table,” Hinkle said.
The new contract gives 1 to 8.5% raises over the three year contract term, in addition to annual cost of living raises based on inflation. The contract runs through Dec. 31, 2027. It covers members of IBEW Local 48, Machinists District Lodge W24, Painters District Council 5, Operating Engineers Local 701, and UA Local 290 who work for the City of Portland.