A labor-opposed ballot measure in Tigard that will stifle high-capacity transit projects in the city narrowly passed in a special election March 11.
Ballot Measure 34-210 passed by 220 votes in a special election that drew less than 37 percent of Tigard’s 26,972 registered voters. The vote was 5,066 to 4,846.
With passage, the City of Tigard has to amend its city charter to officially oppose high-capacity transit. The city will also have to obtain voter approval before it can change its comprehensive plan to site light-rail or bus-rapid-transit projects.
Additionally, the city is required to send a letter to the governor, the Oregon Department of Transportation, TriMet, Metro, Washington County and the Federal Transit Administration annually notifying the agencies of its opposition to high-capacity transit.
The ballot measure was sponsored by tea partiers and the conservative Oregon Transformation Project.
In addition to labor, the measure was opposed by the Tigard City Council, the Tigard Chamber of Commerce, and various environmental and pro-transit groups.