
Powell’s Books workers to vote on tentative deal


International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 5 reached a second tentative agreement with Powell’s Books on Nov. 22, about a month after workers rejected a previous offer from the independent bookstore. Local 5 union representative Myka Dubay said the new agreement has “vast improvements” over the first. The union will release more details publicly after ratification votes are tallied Dec. 15, but Dubay said the agreement would set a base wage of at least $18 an hour after one year of employment and increase the top wage of the pay scale. Currently, wages start at $15.45 an hour — the same as Portland’s minimum wage — and booksellers top out at $19 an hour. The tentative agreement also includes a clause allowing Local 5 to reopen negotiations for wages if Portland’s minimum wage rises to meet Powell’s base rate.


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