More than two dozen union members from various locals volunteered April 14 to help more than 2,000 kids, ages 5 to 14, who came out to learn to fish — at the Klineline Kids Fish-in at Salmon Creek Park in Vancouver. Several unions also donated money to the event. For a $5 registration fee, each child received a fishing rod and reel and a T-shirt with sponsor logos. Two days before the event, Klineline Pond was closed to the public and stocked with several thousand trout.
Some of the unions involved were Sheet Metal Workers Local 16; Painters District Council 5; Painters Local 10; Machinists District W24; International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 4; Laborers Locals 296 and 320; Southwest Washington Central Labor Council; Fire Fighters Local 1805; Labor’s Community Service Agency; American Federation of Teachers-Portland Community College Faculty Local 3922; Bakers Local 114; and Graphic Communications Conference-Teamsters Local 296M.