Supporters of Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle packed the Fire Fighters Local 452 hall Jan. 30 to launch her campaign for re-election. Mayor Anne, as she’s called, is beloved by Vancouver unions and residents. After a 30-year career as a public schoolteacher, she’s been Vancouver mayor since 2015.
McEnerny-Ogle is legendary for her accessibility. As often as not, she turns up as a guest to the monthly meeting of the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council, handing out a one-page photocopied report and delivering unscripted updates on all aspects of city governance.
“She shows up in the neighborhoods, at the labor council, Labor’s Roundtable, and reports on exactly what the city’s doing,” said retired IBEW Local 48 representative Bob Carroll. “She’s very invested in the members of our community.”
McEnerny-Ogle has a particular bond with fire fighters. She volunteers with the Vancouver Fire Department Fire Corps installing smoke detectors in residents’ homes. At an IAFF event at a national mayor’s conference, she put on full firefighter gear, climbed a ladder with a hose, and practiced CPR.
“Because of her leadership, we’ve added 53 firefighters, opened a new fire station, secured vital equipment and set the foundation for Vancouver’s future,” said Local 452 Political Director Kevin Hart at the launch. She’s also been lobbying the state for a regional fire training center to be built in Vancouver. “Her track record absolutely speaks for itself — the steadfast commitment to public safety, workers rights, and putting Vancouver first.”