Union ironworkers vote down $7.50 employer offer


Union ironworkers throughout Oregon and Washington voted down raises of $7.50 an hour in votes by in early June. 

Under their regional master agreement with the Northwest Ironworkers Employers Association, journeyman ironworkers in the Portland area currently make $43.82 an hour plus $33.98 an hour in fringe benefits. But that wage has lost some purchasing power to inflation in recent years. This is the first significant bargaining since before COVID, and union ironworkers are looking to catch up. The employer proposal to raise wages $7.50 an hour over three years wouldn’t catch members up to inflation. 

The contract was rejected by a more-than-90% margin by members of Portland-based Ironworkers Local 29, Seattle-area Ironworkers Local 86, and Ironworkers Local 14 in Spokane. Turnout was especially high among members of Local 29. 

The two sides will meet again in Spokane on June 27 to bargain further. The contract expires June 30. 



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