Kotek appoints unionists to advisory boards


Oregon governor Tina Kotek announced a new set of appointments to state advisory boards May 8, and the nominees included several figures from organized labor. 

Lorne Bulling, political coordinator for Iron Workers Local 29, was appointed to Oregon Workers’ Compensation Division’s M​​anagement-Labor Advisory Committee (MLAC). MLAC advises the legislature about changes to Oregon’s workers compensation system. It’s a 10-member committee evenly split between labor and management representatives.

Sarah Wofford, president of the Oregon School Employees Association, was appointed to the seven-member State Board of Education. It meets at least six times a year and sets educational policies and standards for Oregon public schools.

Walt Caudle, former business manager Heat and Frost Insulators Local 36, was appointed to a new term on the 10-member Mechanical Board, which helps the Building Codes Division administer rules for mechanical devices and equipment.

The appointments are subject to confirmation by the Oregon Senate when it meets May 29-31.


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