Oregon voters have a lot of choices. There are 323 candidates on the ballot in the 2024 Oregon primary, and that’s for state and federal races alone. This union-focused ballot guide tries to keep it simple: It lists only candidates who have at least one union endorsing them — AND who have opponents on the primary ballot. Unions sometimes didn’t agree: In some races, more than one candidate got support from at least one union. Following each name is a list of union endorsers and the address of the campaign website, if they have one. Acronyms are in the legend below. Because this is meant to help voters make decisions, we don’t list “dual endorsements” — where a union recommends more than one candidate.
Ballots were mailed May 1 and must be received or postmarked by May 21.
Democratic primary
Only voters who are registered as Democrats can choose who the party’s nominee will be in the November general election.
Congressional District 1 (Portland/NW Oregon)
Suzanne Bonamici is seeking re-election to the seat she’s held since 2012. She’s been a reliable supporter of labor priorities. She’s a co-sponsor of the PRO Act (Protecting the Right to Organize) and has a 96% pro-labor voting record as tracked by the national AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO, IAFF, IBT, IW, LiUNA, OEA, ONA, UBC BonamiciForCongress.com
Congressional District 3 (Portland)
Maxine Dexter is a medical doctor and has served as state representative for House District 33 since 2020. In Salem, she’s been considered a labor ally. IAFF 43, IAFF 1660, LiUNA, UFCW, USW MaxineforOregon.com
Susheela Jayapal is a former attorney for Adidas who has served as Multnomah County commissioner since 2019. Her sister is Seattle Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. OBTC, AFSCME, IBEW 48, IW SusheelaForCongress.com
Eddy Morales is president of the Gresham City Council and works for Workers Lab, a nonprofit that advocates for workers rights. IAFF 1062, OEA, NALC, UBC EddyMorales.com
Congressional District 5 (Lake Oswego southeast to Bend)
Jamie McLeod-Skinner is an attorney and former city manager of Phoenix, Oregon, who is running for Congress for the third time. She got 40% in a 2018 challenge to Republican incumbent Greg Walden. And in 2022 she beat seven-term incumbent Kurt Schrader in the Democratic primary but lost to Republican Laurie Chavez-DeRemer by 2 percentage points in the general election. IBEW 48, Insulators JamieForOregon.com
Janelle Bynum is a McDonald’s franchise owner who served four terms as state representative from Happy Valley. In Salem she had a mixed record on labor priorities, voting for a minimum wage increase but joining Republicans to vote against a crackdown on wage theft. UFCW JanelleBynum.com
Congressional District 6 (Salem/Yamhill County)
Andrea Salinas is running for re-election after her first term in Congress, in which she earned a 100% pro-labor rating from the national AFL-CIO. Before that she served three terms as a state representative serving the Lake Oswego area, and was considered a labor ally. She faces only token opposition in the primary — investor Cody Reynolds hasn’t updated his website since his failed 2022 run for the same seat. AFL-CIO, IW, LiUNA, OEA AndreaSalinasForOregon.com
Dan Rayfield is an attorney and five-term state representative from Corvallis who served as speaker of the Oregon House until February. He distinguished himself early on as a pro-labor legislator and helped pass a law that gives unemployment benefits to workers if they are locked out by their employer in a labor dispute. He faces little opposition from Shaina Maxey Pomerantz, a former civil rights investigator at the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. AFL-CIO, OBTC, AFSCME, IAFF, IBEW 48, IBEW 280, IBT, IUOE, IW, LiUNA, OEA, ONA, OSEA, SEIU, SMART, UBC, UFCW, USW DanRayfield.com
Oregon’s secretary of state oversees elections, ballot initiatives, business registration, and state archives; audits state agencies; and becomes governor in case of a vacancy.
James Manning Jr. is a former Army officer who has served as state senator from Eugene since 2016. In the legislature, he earned top ratings from the Oregon AFL-CIO and helped pass a bill supporting community benefits agreements, priority legislation for building trades unions. AFSCME, ATU, IAFF 851, NALC, SEIU VoteJamesManning.com
Tobias Read is a former Nike footwear developer and former state legislator from Beaverton who has served as Oregon State Treasurer since 2016. Under the Oregon Constitution, treasurers are limited to two terms. As treasurer, he leads management and investment of state retirement and other funds. In 2020 he implemented a rule that said when a state fund owns a majority of a property or infrastructure investment, it will only hire contractors that pay fair wages and benefits. IAFF, IBEW, IBT, IUOE, IW, LiUNA, OEA, SEIU, UFCW TobiasRead.com
Jeff Gudman is an investor and two-term Lake Oswego City Council member. UFCW JeffGudman.org
Elizabeth Steiner is a family physician and adjunct associate professor at Oregon Health and Science University. She has served as state senator since 2011 and has been co-chair of the budget-writing Joint Ways and Means Committee since 2018. OBTC, AFSCME, IAFF, IBT, IW, OEA, ONA, OSEA, SEIU ElizabethForOregon.com
Oregon’s 30 state senators serve four-year terms. Every two years, half of the seats are up for election. None of the Democrats this year face opposition in the primary.
Oregon’s 60 state representatives serve two-year terms. This year, eight positions are contested in the Democratic primary.
House District 8 (Eugene)
Former union rep Paul Holvey is retiring after 20 years representing the district.
Lisa Fragala is a teachers union member and serves on the board of Lane Community College, where she helped pass a project labor agreement to use union workers on new construction. Outgoing Rep. Paul Holvey is endorsing her. AFL-CIO, OBTC, AFSCME, IAFF 851, IBEW 280, IUOE, IW, OEA, ONA, SMART, UBC LisaFragalaForOregon.com
Doyle Canning is an attorney and political operative for an array of environmental groups. She’s a member of IBEW Local 89 in her capacity as legislative director for Oregon House Rep. Khanh Pham. She mounted a primary challenge to Democratic Congressman Peter DeFazio in 2020, but lost five to one. AFT, UFCW CanningForOregon.com
House District 16 (Corvallis)
Dan Rayfield, who currently holds this seat, is running for state attorney general.
Sami Al-Abdrabbuh is an engineering instructor at Oregon State University, where he was formerly a member of the grad student faculty union AFT Local 6069. A graduate of the Oregon Labor Candidate School, he’s currently chair of the Corvallis School Board and president of the Oregon School Board Association. IAFF 2240, IUPAT, IW, UBC, UFCW, USW SamiOregon.com
Sarah Finger McDonald is an academic advisor at Oregon State University and a member and former chair of the Corvallis School Board. AFT, ONA Sarah-Finger-McDonald.com
House District 33 (NW Portland)
Maxine Dexter, who currently holds this seat, is running for Congress. Two union-endorsed candidates are running to succeed her, plus environmental lawyer Peter Grabiel.
Brian Duty is surgeon and professor of urology at Oregon Health and Science University. IBEW 48, IUPAT, IW, SEIU, SMART, UFCW BrianDutyForOregon.com
Shannon Jones Isadore is a psychotherapist and founder of Oregon Change Clinic, which provides addiction and mental health treatment to Black and indigenous people. AFSCME, OEA ShannonJonesIsadore.com
House District 35 (Beaverton/Aloha)
Farrah Chaichi is an intake and conflicts coordinator at law firm Stoel Rives. An incumbent who was first elected in 2022, she faces a challenge from Casey Zimmerman, sales director for a drone company. AFL-CIO, OBTC, AFT, IW, OEA, ONA, OSEA, UFCW ChaichiForOregon.com
House District 37 (Tualatin/West Linn)
Jules Walters, the incumbent, is a former mayor and city council member of West Linn. Her daughter Madison is political liaison for UFCW Local 555. She faces a challenge from data storage company CEO Brian Maguire, who has reportedly contributed nearly $400,000 to Republican candidates and causes in the last two decades, and changed his registration from Republican to Democrat in 2020. AFL-CIO, OBTC, AFSCME, IBEW, SEIU, UFCW VoteJules.com
House District 44 (North Portland)
Travis Nelson, the incumbent, is a registered nurse who worked at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver until he went on staff as a union rep with the Washington State Nurses Association. In February 2022, he was appointed to Tina Kotek’s seat when she became governor, and he won re-election that November. He faces a token challenge from Dale Carnegie trainer Christine Nair AFL-CIO, IW, LiUNA, ONA, UFCW NelsonforOregon.com
House District 46 (Outer SE Portland)
Willy Chotzen is a public defender and was an AFSCME member until he was promoted into management. He’s a graduate of the Oregon Labor Candidate School. AFL-CIO, OBTC, AFSCME, IBEW 48, IW, LiUNA, OEA, SMART, UFCW ChotzenForOregon.com
Mary Lou Hennrich is a retired public health nurse and administrator at Multnomah County who helped win union representation in her workplace with Oregon Nurses Association. She’s also a longtime activist for universal health care. ONA MaryLouGetsResults.com
House District 48 (East Portland)
Hoa Nguyen, the incumbent, was first elected in 2022. She’s a student and community engagement specialist for Clackamas Education Service District. She faces a challenge from oncology researcher Elizabeth Petersen. AFL-CIO, IW, LiUNA NguyenForOregon.com

Republican primary
Only voters who are registered as Republicans can choose who the party’s nominee will be in the November general election. Several Republican-held state senate seats are now open because GOP lawmakers took part in a six-week walkout last year to deprive the legislature of quorum and stop bills on bills on abortion, transgender health care, and gun rights. A union-backed ballot measure approved by voters in 2022 makes lawmakers ineligible to run again if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.
Senate District 1 (SW Oregon)
David Brock Smith is a restaurant owner. The incumbent, he faces a challenge from logger Todd J Vaughn. IW DavidBrockSmith.com
Senate District 29 (NE Oregon)
Dave Drotzmann, eye doctor and mayor of Hermiston, is one of four candidates running to succeed State Senator Bill Hansell, who’s barred from running because he took part in the walkout. IUPAT, IW, LiUNA DrotzmannForOregon.com
Senate District 30 (SE Oregon)
Mike McLane is an attorney, Oregon Air National Guard colonel, and former Republican state house leader. He’s running to succeed State Senator Lynn Findley, who’s barred from running because he took part in the walkout. IW VoteMikeMcLane.com
House District 57 (Heppner)
Greg Smith, a 10-term incumbent, is an economic development specialist who works with the Port of Morrow. He might be the only current Republican lawmaker in Oregon who works regularly with unions and is proud to have union endorsements. AFL-CIO, AFSCME, IAFF, IUOE, IW, LiUNA, OEA, OSEA, SMART RepGregSmith.com

Nonpartisan primary
Oregon has a multiude of local offices that are “nonpartisan.” For nonpartisan offices, any registered voter can cast a ballot in the primary. If any candidate gets more than 50% of the vote, they win outright. If no candidate gets more than 50%, the top two vote-getters face off in the November general election.
Oregon’s Metro is the only directly elected regional government in the United States. Six Metro councilors are elected to four-year terms from individual districts, and the council president is elected region-wide. Metro serves over 1.5 million people in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties, coordinating land use and transportation planning, managing garbage, and recycling, maintaining the Urban Growth Boundary, and running parks, trails, natural areas and venues such as the Oregon Convention Center, Portland Expo Center, and the Oregon Zoo. All three candidates this year are running unopposed.
Yes on Measure 26-244 (Renew Metro Zoo bond levy) In 2008, Metro voters approved a measure to issue bonds for the Oregon Zoo and repay the bonds with a property tax of 8.5 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. This measure would renew that levy, authorizing $380 million in additional general obligation bonds, so the Oregon Zoo can provide penguins, sea otters, giraffes, and other animals more natural, modern habitats, as well as improve protection from heat and extreme weather for animals and visitors while conserving water and energy. NOLC
Gabe Shepherd is a current Corvallis City Council member representing Ward 4, the district that covers Oregon State University. He also serves as chair of the Benton County Democratic Party and the chair of the Corvallis City Legislative Committee and works for the City of Albany as deputy city clerk. Shepard faces a challenge from Democrat Liz Irish, a mortgage lender who has served on the Benton County Planning Commission. AFL-CIO GabeShepherd.com
The Clackamas County Commission is made up of five members serving four-year terms.
Craig Roberts is a retired Clackamas County sheriff and one of two challengers to incumbent chair Tootie Smith. AFSCME 350, UFCW RobertsForClackamas.com
Tootie Smith is a hazelnut farmer and the current chair. She served in the Oregon House of Representatives for District 18 from 2001-2005, and she founded the Prairie House Inn Bed and Breakfast, a historic hospitality site in Molalla. IAFF 1159 TootieSmith.com
Commissioner, Position 3
Martha Schrader has served as commissioner since 2012 and was formerly a state senator. NOLC, CPBCTC, IAM, IBEW 48, IAFF 1159, IBT, IW, LiUNA 737, UFCW CommissionerMarthaSchrader.com
Angela Brandenburg, incumbent, is a 33-year veteran of the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office. CPBCTC, IBEW 48, IUOE, IW, UBC, UFCW Brandenburg4Sheriff.com
Lynn Schoenfeld is a retired officer in the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office; he’s backed by five local police unions. IAFF 1159 SchoenfeldForSheriff.com
Commissioner, Position 2
Phil Chang, incumbent, is a former renewable energy consultant and staffer for U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley. AFL-CIO, AFSCME, IW, LiUNA 737, ONA VotePhilChang.com
Commissioner, District 3
Laurie Trieger, incumbent, was elected in 2020 after a more than 20 year career in local nonprofits. AFL-CIO, AFSCME, IAFF 851 LaurieTrieger.com
Multnomah County Commission is made up of four commissioners and a chair.
Commissioner, District 1
This seat is held by Sharon Meieran, who is prevented from running again by term limits.
Meghan Moyer is policy director at Disability Rights Oregon and PAC chair of the gay rights group Basic Rights Oregon. She has crossed paths with labor extensively over the years — she worked for general contractor Skanska as a construction manager, served on the board of Oregon Tradeswomen, and once worked as a political organizer for SEIU. AFSCME 88, OEA, SEIU, UFCW MeghanForMultnomah.org
Vadim Mozyrsky is an administrative law judge who hears appeals when Social Security denies disability benefit claims. He also once helped unionize fellow attorneys and eventually became regional vice president of his federal employees union IFTPE. He’s been active on numerous citizen advisory committees, and ran unsuccessfully for Portland City Council in 2022. NOLC, CPBCTC, IAFF 43, IBEW 48, LiUNA 737 VoteVadim.com
Commissioner, District 2
This seat was held by Susheela Jayapal, who resigned to run for Congress. Whoever wins would serve the remaining two years of her term. Three candidates are seriously contending for the seat, and two of them have union endorsements. The third, former Portland Mayor Sam Adams, doesn’t have any union endosements in the primary, but a number of labor organizations refrained from making an endorsement because they found both Adams and Shannon Singleton worthy.
Jessie Burke is owner of the Society Hotel, chair of the Old Town Community Association, and a former member of the U.S. Olympic fencing team. IAFF 43, Portland Police Association, Multnomah County Deputy Sheriff’s Association JessieBurke.com
Shannon Singleton is a social worker who has served as housing policy advisor and director of equity and racial justice for former Governor Kate Brown. Most recently she was interim director of the Joint Office of Homeless Services, a collaboration between Multnomah County and the City of Portland. AFSCME 88, IBEW 48, OEA, SEIU, UFCW ShannonSingleton.org
Commissioner, District 3
Julia Brim-Edwards is a former Nike executive and longtime Portland Public Schools board member who has served on the Multnomah County Commission since June 2023. She faces a long shot challenge from housing activist TJ Noddings. AFSCME 88, IAFF 43, SEIU JuliaBrim-Edwards.com
Commissioner, District 4
Vince Jones-Dixon is a Gresham City Council member and works as business development manager for River View Cemetery Funeral Home. NOLC, AFSCME 88, IAFF 43, IAFF 1062, LiUNA 737, SEIU VinceJonesDixon.com
District Attorney
Mike Schmidt, the incumbent, was elected in 2020 on a program of criminal justice reform. Prior to that he served as deputy district attorney, counsel for the Oregon Legislature, and executive director of the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission. IUOE, OEA MikeSchmidtForDA.com
Nathan Vasquez is a senior deputy district attorney and has served as a prosecutor in the Multnomah County DA’s office since 2001. ATU, IAFF 43, IAFF 1062, IBEW 48, and five local police unions VoteForVasquez.com
Commissioner, District 1
Nafisa Fai is the current vice chair of the Washington County Board of Commissioners. She previously worked in public health, including with the American Red Cross, and ran a small business in Beaverton. She is running against Jenny Kamprath, director of sales for Statehood Media. NOLC, IAFF 1660, IBT, OEA, UFCW NafisaForWashingtonCounty.com
Commissioner, District 3
Jason Snider is the specialty care practice director for Kaiser Permanente Northwest. He served multiple terms on the Tigard City Council, including as mayor from 2019-2022. His challenger, Peter Huhtala, is a former Clatsop County commissioner who now runs a reiki business. NOLC, IAFF 1660, OEA SniderForCounty.com
Kaarin Knudson is an architect and affordable housing advocate who founded Better Housing Together in Lane County. She is running against small business owner Shanaé Joyce-Stringer and perennial candidate Stefan Strek, or “Ace Dog.” AFSCME 1724, LiUNA 737, UBC KaarinForMayor.com
City Council, Position 3
Will Anderson works for the lobbying firm Eames Consulting and was formerly a legislative staffer for State Representative Ben Bowman. IW, UFCW WillForMilwaukie.com
YES on Ballot Measure 26-245 — Renew Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax for Street Repair, Maintenance, Safety Portland voters are being asked to renew for another four years a 10 cent per gallon gas tax that funds road maintenance and traffic safety. The tax was approved in 2016 by 53% and renewed in 2020 by 77%. If renewed again, it’s expected to raise about $70.5 million over four years to pave arterials and local streets, enhance safety, repair potholes, and maintain signals and lighting. The measure keeps the current tax rate. And jobs of Laborers Local 483 members at the Portland Bureau of Transportation depend on its passage. NOLC, AFSCME 189, ATU 757, LiUNA 483, PROTEC17 FixOurStreetsPDX.com
The Salem City Council has eight councilors and the mayor, all serving four-year terms.
Chris Hoy, incumbent, is a retired law enforcement officer who has served on the Salem City Council since 2017. He was appointed as state representative for House District 21 in 2021 to finish resigning Rep. Brian Clem’s term. AFSCME 2067 ChrisHoyForSalem.com
Julie Hoy, no relation to incumbent mayor Chris Hoy, is a city councilor and co-owner of Geppeto’s Italian Restaurant. Backed by real estate interests and running on an anti-tax and tough-on-crime platform, she’s raised over $200,000 for the volunteer office, five times what her opponent has raised. IAFF 314, Salem Police Employees Union JulieForSalem.com
City Council, Ward 3
Nathan Soltz is chief of staff for state Senator Lew Frederick, a Democrat who represents North and Northeast Portland. Stoltz has worked in the state Capitol since 2015 and was one of the organizers of the state legislative staffer’s union. His challenger, Shane Matthews, is a realtor. AFL-CIO NathanForSalem.com
City Council, Ward 5
Irvin Brown is a policy advisor for the Oregon Department of Human Services. He has served on several government advisory committees, including as chair of the Salem Budget Committee. He is running against Michael Hoselton, a paralegal with the state Department of Justice. AFL-CIO, AFSCME DrBrownForSalem.org
YES on Ballot Measure 34-332 — Local option levy for fire and emergency medical services Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue is asking voters in its service area for a five-year operating levy of 69 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value that it will use to hire 36 new first responders, retain 92 existing staff, and purchase vehicles and specialized medical equipment like cardiac monitors and defibrillators. The fire district covers Beaverton, Durham, King City, Newberg, North Plains, Rivergrove, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, West Linn, Wilsonville, and unincorporated portions of Washington, Clackamas, Yamhill, and Multnomah counties. If the levy does not pass, the fire district may need to downsize its staff. TVF&R has had limited-duration operating levies in place since 2000. This measure continues that practice but would increase the tax rate set by the previous levy. NOLC
District 20, Pos. 6 (Washington County)
KC LeDell is running against D Charles Bailey Jr, the incumbent judge and former prosecutor who’s racked up a series of complaints about his demeanor and fitness, and David Gannett, who has served as Washington County judge pro tempore on two occasions. LeDell has worked as a prosecutor and a defense attorney. He’s also served as a criminal justice policy advisor in the state legislature and a mental health advocate with Disability Rights Oregon. NOLC LeDellForJudge.com
Unless endorsing labor organizations are listed alongside local number, the acronym refers to a statewide or regional body. In each entry, AFL-CIO, CPBTC, NOLC, and OBTC are listed first because they’re unions of unions.
- AFL-CIO state labor federation, or its local central labor chapters
- OBTC state building trades union council
- NOLC NW Oregon Labor Council, the local AFL-CIO body
- CPBTC Portland metro area building trades council
- AFSCME state, county, municipal employees
- AFT AFT-Oregon or local affiliate
- ATU Amalgamated Transit Local 757
- IAFF Fire Fighters or local affiliate
- IAM Machinists
- IBEW Electrical Workers state association or local affiliate
- IBT Teamsters Joint Council 37
- Insulators Insulators Local 36
- IUOE Operating Engineers Local 701
- IUPAT Painters District Council 5
- IW Ironworkers Local 29
- LiUNA Oregon and Southern Idaho District Council of Laborers or local affiliate
- NALC Letter Carriers
- OEA Oregon Education Association or local affiliate
- ONA Oregon Nurses Association
- OSEA Oregon School Employees Association
- SEIU Service Employees International Union (Locals 503 and 49)
- SMART Sheet Metal Local 16
- UFCW Local 555, grocery
- UBC Western States Regional Council of Carpenters
- USW Steel Workers
The Oregon Chapter of the National Writers Union endorsed James Manning and Val Hoyle.