More unions issue call for cease-fire in Gaza


As the death toll climbs in the Gaza Strip, more local and national unions in the United States have issued statements calling for a cease-fire.

A letter sponsored by United Auto Workers, United Electrical Workers, and Seattle-based UFCW Local 3000 calls on President Joe Biden and Congress to push for an immediate cease-fire, and for the release of hostages taken by Hamas. More than 50 local unions have signed the letter, including some in Oregon and Washington: PROTEC17, AFT-Oregon, AFT Local 6069 (Coalition of Graduate Employees at OSU), New Seasons Labor Union, Oregon Education Association, Portland Association of Teachers, and UNITE HERE Local 8.

Since Israel began an air and ground attack on the Gaza Strip in response to the Oct. 7 killing of 1,200 Israelis by Hamas, over 16,000 Palestinians have been killed, nearly all civilians, and mostly women and children.


  1. Local unions also calling for a ceasefire:
    Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals
    AFSCME 88 (Multnomah County workers)
    Portland State University Faculty Association
    International Longshore and Warehouse Union local 5

  2. As a one time elected warden of Carpenter’s Local #247 and sensitive to carpenter’s thoughts as we watch and fund the destruction of over 98,000 dwellings in Gaza, I ask Where are the Carpenters? Do we stand with the carpenter founder of what we now call Christianity. . . against empire.

    The celebration of Christmas was cancelled this year Bethlehem and the sermon from the Bethlehem Christmas church can be heard on the Democracy Now December 26th edition. Christ under the Rubble. Very moving.

    Yes, I know UBC”247 was dissolved to be UBC#1503 and was dissolved again to become #503 by the outfit run by Douglas MacCarron out of Washington DC, and now no one speaks for carpenters in the Portland area that I am aware of. Where are the Carpenters? Wouldn’t they stand for Cease Fire along with … anyone with a heart; which includes many unions, SEIU, UAW, UFCW, UE and 153 countries as voted in the UN?


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