Laborers honor Paul Holvey with new award


Oregon and Southern Idaho District Council of Laborers has a new award named after a recently retired union officer. The Jodi Guetzloe Parker Legislative Champion Award is meant to recognize state legislators who went above and beyond expectations as champions for the Laborers union. Ryan Nielsen, political and legislative representative at Laborers Local 737, said the award is meant in part to honor Guetzloe Parker’s commitment to advancing the union’s presence in politics, and for her efforts in fighting for the working class as a whole.

The award’s first recipient, announced at Local 737’s Oct. 19 general membership meeting, is State Representative Paul Holvey (D-Eugene). Holvey got the award because of his work helping pass the union’s top priorities, especially Senate Bill 594, which extended the prevailing wage requirement to workers on public demolition and hazardous waste cleanup projects, and House Bill 2649, which requires apprentice opportunities and sets goals for women, minorities, and veterans on public construction projects.

Holvey joined the meeting by videoconference, and the award seemed to take him by surprise. He’ll receive a hard hat, certificate, and plaque.

Nielsen said the union is likely to give out the award every two years after the state legislature’s long session.     



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