Screen actors on strike


Local members of SAG-AFTRA and supporters from allied unions rallied July 22 at Jamison Square Park in Portland. “The billionaires and CEOs fear nothing more than a united working class,” said Oregon AFL-CIO president Graham Trainor, above. “What SAG-AFTRA and the writers are doing is brave, is righteous, and it’s inspirational.” | PHOTO BY DON McINTOSH

Members of SAG-AFTRA are now in their third week of a nationwide strike that has shut down most film and TV productions since July 14.

“This is a fight for art and heart against greed and speed,” said actor and Portland SAG-AFTRA Local President Michelle Damis at a July 22 strike rally.

Union actors walked out after the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers offered a 5% raise that would leave members behind after years of inflation. A-list celebrity members can bargain their own paydays, but in this case they’re striking on behalf of the much more numerous working actors who fill most TV and movie roles.

Mary McDonald Lewis, Portland rep on the SAG-AFTRA National Board.


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