Shannon Myers is stepping down after 14 years as president of the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council (SWWACLC). But at the council’s Nov. 2 delegates meeting, no one was nominated to succeed her. The council will accept nominations again at its Dec. 7 meeting.Â
SWWACLC is a local body of the AFL-CIO, responsible for coordinating union activity for Clark, Skamania, and west Klickitat counties, and representing the interests of 17,000 members of 51 affiliated local unions. The position of president has been volunteer up to now, but the council recently approved a $300 monthly stipend.
The Dec. 7 delegates meeting, featuring a potluck, is expected to be the last to be held at the Laborers Local 335 hall on 2212 NE Andresen. The Vancouver local is expanding with an office remodel.