Apprenticeship Coordinator Craig Smith (right) and Local 555 Business Manager Geoff Kossak (left) hand out service pins to (from left): John Lies (25 years), Chris Romo (30 years), Paul Turner (30 years), and Dennis Peterson (40 years). Not present were 60-year member Lawrence Minor, 40-year member Paul Petersen, 30-year member Jeffrey Weaver, and 25-year member J. David Irons. Also recognized, but not present, were Plasterers’ 50-year members Michael Buffington and Merin Dobson, and graduating apprentice Derek Sanders.
Cement Masons Local 555 and Plasterers Local 82 recognized longtime members and graduating apprentices at their annual holiday dinner Dec. 2.
New journeymen, from left to right: Liz Nichols (with son Shamus), David Renteria, Carl Fogle, Dillon Crawford, Mike Shepherd, Jeffrey Lundin, Kevin Temple, and Daniel Bishop. With them are Apprenticeship Coordinator Craig Smith and Local 555 Business Manager Geoff Kossak. Not pictured are Brian Army-Gilbert, Shawn Frederiksen, Jordan Lee, and Darwin Vizcaino.