W.H. (Bill) Vonderohe received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Glaziers Local 740. The presentation was made by Business Manager Todd Springer at the union’s membership meeting on Oct. 5.
Vonderohe, 79, joined Local 740 as an apprentice on Nov. 27, 1962. Within five years he ran for, and was elected, a trustee of the local.
“I remember my first employer advised me not to get involved in union politics. Boy, was he wrong,” Vonderohe told the Labor Press.
In 1971, Vonderohe was tapped as recording secretary, finishing out the term of the incumbent, who had passed away. He has been re-elected to that post ever since.
Vonderohe retired in 1999, but has remained active in the union. In addition to recording secretary, he still serves as a trustee on the Glaziers’ pension plan, and he chairs the local’s Retirees Club. He was a trustee on the health and welfare fund, but had to give that up once he became eligible for Medicare.
During his career, Vonderohe has worked with six business managers at Local 740. He says he’s missed only two union meetings in his lifetime — and that was because he was working out of town.
“Brother Vonderohe is one of the most respected members in all of Local 740’s 106 years,” Springer said. “He has been a member in good standing for over half of our existence at 55 years and counting. He’s a wealth of knowledge to our membership.”