Every year on Labor Day, union members come together to celebrate family and community. Here are this year’s events.
PORTLAND — The region’s largest Labor Day picnic takes place at Oaks Amusement Park in Southeast Portland, sponsored by the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, AFL-CIO. Members and their families from dozens of unions – up to 20,000 people – turn out for barbecue, games, carnival rides, raffle drawings, music, and a chance to hear from local politicians. The picnic runs 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be a kids’ scavenger hunt, and a blood drive challenge. Politicians take the stage at 1 p.m. For the first time in several years, all of Oregon’s Congressional delegation will be invited to the stage to speak. [ The four Oregon Democrats who supported Trade Promotion Authority (Fast Track) legislation in 2015 had their invitations rescinded for two years.]
Free shuttle train: Labor Day is the busiest day of the year at Oaks Park. To help union members avoid traffic jams and parking headaches, the Northwest Oregon Labor Council has made arrangements with the Oregon Pacific Railroad for a free shuttle train into Oaks Park. The train boards at Southeast 4th and Caruthers, near OMSI. There is plenty of street parking near the McLoughlin Overpass and McCoy Millwork, and the Portland Opera will open its parking lot — yellow spaces only. The pin code for the gate will be 1895. The 5-mile shuttle runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (last train). For more information, call the Northwest Oregon Labor Council at 503-235-9444.
ASHLAND — 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Emigrant Lake, Picnic Shelter D, 5505 Highway 66, Ashland. Lunch will be served at noon. Vehicle fee of $4. Sponsored by the Southern Oregon Central Labor Chapter.
BEND — Noon to 3:30 p.m., Pioneer Park, NW Wall St., Bend. There will be food, drinks, and live music. Bring your family! Invite your friends! Sponsored by the Central Oregon Central Labor Chapter.
COWLITZ-WAHKIAKUM COUNTIES — 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Toutle River RV Resort, 150 Happy Trails, Castle Rock, Washington, Exit 52 off I-5. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and barbecued ribs will be provided. Bring your favorite side dish to share. There will be music, swimming, kids’ games, a bouncy house, a giant croquet tournament, and more.
EUGENE/SPRINGFIELD — Splash Pool Picnic Shelter, 6100 Thurston Road, Springfield. Noon to 3:30 p.m. Hamburgers, hot dogs, live music, door prizes. Please bring a side dish to share. Sponsored by the Lane County Central Labor Chapter.
NORTH BEND/COOS BAY — There is no picnic this year.
SALEM — 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Waterfront Park, 230 Front St., SE, Salem. A barbecue, side dishes and soft drinks will be provided from 11:10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Guest speakers from 11-11:30 a.m. Cost: two non-perishable food items per person, or $2 per person for the Marion/Polk Food Bank. Sponsored by Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter. Contact Will Music at 503-598-6344 or [email protected]