Monthly Archives: March, 2017

Today’s lesson: Unions matter

Since October, a new union speakers campaign has visited more than a dozen local high school and college classes.

KGW returns to labor peace

A long-festering union dispute comes to a close as the third union at KGW-TV ratifies a new contract.

PERS under threat … again

Some in the Oregon Legislature want to divert current employee contributions to make up for the system's investment losses.

Abhe & Svoboda fires union salt amid safety complaints

Nonunion paint contractor Abhe & Svoboda faces civil rights, labor and safety complaints on a $22 million Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) painting project underneath the Ross Island Bridge.

$790 million Portland Public Schools bond could spell years of work for the trades

If approved by voters, it would be the largest construction construction bond issue in Oregon history.

Republicans in Congress try to sabotage state-sponsored retirement savings plans — before they begin

State-sponsored retirement savings plans in Oregon and four other states are about to help millions of Americans save for retirement. Republicans in Congress are trying to stop them.

It’s time for rent stabilization. Support House Bill 2004

Oregon’s low inventory of housing has given landlords an unbridled opportunity to reap large profits at the expense of working people.

Malarkey Roofing withdraws from pension in new contract

Members of United Steelworkers Local 330 ratify the contract in a 54-41 vote.

Lon Imel, 1929-2017

Imel, a unionist since 1951, headed the NW Oregon Labor Council and served as labor liaison for Congressmembers Les AuCoin and Elizabeth Furse.


Oregon governor populates boards with labor figures; D Pei Wu departs Portland JwJ