Backed by the national AFL-CIO, the Bakers union (BCTGM) has launched a boycott of Mexican-made Nabisco products. The boycott is in protest of a decision by parent company Mondelēz to shut a Nabisco production line in Chicago and build a new $130 million production line in Mexico. About 600 Chicago workers — half the current workforce —will be permanently laid off beginning March 21. For the highly profitable company to outsource production to Mexico also shows an utter lack of gratitude: Chicago and the State of Illinois gave Nabisco $90 million in tax breaks from 1993 to 2003 in exchange for assurances it would keep making Oreos, Fig Newtons and other products in Chicago. Many Nabisco products are still made in America by union workers, including in Portland, so consumers are asked to “Check the Label” and don’t buy Made in Mexico.

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If you don’t buy it you can shut them down. Plus their sanitation is very questionable at best. Hey the Chinese had poison in baby food and dog treats!!!!