Bridget Quinn, NECA/IBEW Training Center’s Workforce Development Coordinator, has won the Daily Journal of Commerce’s Women of Vision Award.

The awards recognize women in Oregon and Southwest Washington who work in architecture, engineering, construction and other building industry fields.
“To win this award during its inaugural year is a huge compliment,” said Quinn. “I’m very touched that my co-workers nominated me for this honor.”
Quinn works with prospective apprentice applicants, including women and minority candidates, providing them information and guidance about how to access apprenticeship, improve qualifications and access related job options that best improve candidate qualifications.
Quinn is a graduate of the electrical apprentice program, and currently holds a general journey level electrical license.
“Bridget has helped improve our workforce by implementing a variety of recruitment methods, tool training workshops and weeklong intro to construction classes at the NIETC that has increased women and minority enrollments into the program,” said Tim Gauthier, NECA executive manager.
When she’s not at work, Quinn volunteers with NORSAR (North Oregon Regional Search and Rescue) with her AirScent Wilderness Search Dog, Rowan. She assists federal, state, county and local emergency personnel on searches for lost hikers and others who go missing, get injured or killed while outdoors. Quinn is currently director of Search and Rescue personnel.