Jeff Klatke elected president of Oregon AFSCME


New officers and executive board members of Oregon AFSCME Council 75 take the oath of office at the conclusion of the council’s bienial convention April 21. Delivering the oath is Executive Director Ken Allen.  (Photos courtesy Oregon AFSCME Council 75)
New officers and executive board members of Oregon AFSCME Council 75 take the oath of office at the conclusion of the council’s bienial convention April 21. Delivering the oath is Executive Director Ken Allen. (Photos courtesy Oregon AFSCME Council 75)

Jeff Klatke is the new president of Oregon AFSCME Council 75.

Klatke, a member of AFSCME Local 3135 employed at Home Forward (formerly known as the Housing Authority of Portland), defeated Tina Turner-Morfitt of Local 2376 (Corrections Security Plus) to win the open seat. He succeeds Gary Gillespie, who did not seek re-election.

Newly elected Oregon AFSCME president Jeff Klatke (left) and his predecessor Gary Gillespie
Newly elected Oregon AFSCME president Jeff Klatke (left) and his predecessor Gary Gillespie

The election was held at the Council’s biennial convention April 20 in Bend.

Gillespie, 61, works at the Eugene Public Library and is a member of AFSCME  Local 1724. He’s held a number of jobs with the City of Eugene since first hiring on in 1987, and he’s held a number of titles with Local 1724 as well, including a couple of different stints as president of his local union.

He served as president — the Council’s top post — for 12 years.

“It has been an honor to lead this organization, and it’s a job I am proud to have held the past dozen years,” says Gillespie. “But it’s time for me to pull back a little on union responsibilities and make way for a new president.”

During his tenure, Gillespie pushed to expand the membership, both by sheer numbers and internally by both age and interest. He’s pleased, for example, that the Council takes stands on environmental issues, and he’s proud that the Next Wave (under 35) movement was launched under his watch.

There were no changes in the next two spots in the Council’s membership-based chain of command. Michael Hanna of Multnomah County Local 88 ran unopposed as first vice president; as did Bryan Branstetter of Local 3361 (Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution) as second vice president.

Annette Skillman of Local 2376 ran unopposed for secretary. She succeeds Marci Jo Carlton of Local 328 (OHSU), who did not seek re-election. In a contested race for  treasurer, Marc Abrams of Local 1085 (Oregon Justice Attorneys) defeated Debbie Hussey of Local 189 (City of Portland) in a close contest.

Those five statewide officers are joined on the Council’s Executive Committee by six sector vice presidents, five congressional district vice presidents, and the retirees chapter president.

Over 200 delegates and alternates, along with Council 75 staff, guests and others, packed the Riverhouse Convention Center in Bend April 19-21 for the convention.

In delivering the convention’s keynote address, AFSCME International President Lee Saunders said unions are under attack in ways not seen since the Great Depression.

“Last year, public sector union membership dropped for the first time ever since those statistics started being kept,” Saunders warned. “We are done with ‘fair weather friends.’ This is not about party, this is about standing with us. If you don’t, we don’t care if there is a D or an R after your name, we’re through. We stand together, or you don’t stay with us.”

Also speaking at the convention was  Oregon U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley.

(Editor’s Note: Don Loving, communications director of Oregon AFSCME Council 75, contributed to this report.)



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