Bob Tackett has been re-elected executive secretary-treasurer of the Northwest Oregon Labor Council. He ran unopposed. It is his first full term in office, having succeeded Judy O’Connor, who retired in September 2009.
Tackett, 58, is a 37-year member of United Steelworkers Local 330. Prior to becoming a full-time officer of the labor council, he worked for the Oregon AFL-CIO as its Workforce Investment Act labor liaison. In that job, he helped dislocated workers get plugged into employment and re-training programs and file for state unemployment insurance and federal Trade Adjustment Assistance benefits.
In other election results, Bob Petroff, 57, assistant directing business representative of Machinists District W24, was re-elected to a fourth term as president of the state’s largest labor council. He ran unopposed.

Also re-elected without opposition were First Vice-President Lynn Lehrbach of Teamsters Joint Council No. 37; and Second Vice President Jeff Anderson, secretary-treasurer of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 555.
Seven at-large Executive Board members were re-elected by acclamation. They were: Everice Moro of Oregon School Employees Association-American Federation of Teachers, Position 1; Terry Lansing, financial secretary-treasurer of Bakers Local 114, Position 2; Janet Irwin of Multnomah County Employees AFSCME Local 88, Position 3; Sam Gillispie, grievance director of UFCW Local 555, Position 4; John Mohlis, executive director of the Oregon State Building and Construction Trades Council and member of Bricklayers Local 1, Position 5; Dan Sass, secretary-treasurer of Machinists District W24, Position 6; and Ed Barnes, retired member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 48, Position 7.
Re-elected as reading clerks were Scott Lucy, a business representative for Machinists District W24, and Jodi Guetzloe Parker, a union representative for Laborers Local 320.
John Hall of Machinists District W24 and John Vandermosten, a retired member of IBEW Local 48, were re-elected sergeants-at arms; and Joe Esmonde, a union rep for IBEW Local 48, and Jeannie Trapold and Lisa Dupell, union reps for UFCW Local 555, were re-elected trustees.
The final nominations were held at the delegates’ meeting Nov. 14. Since there was no opposition, all of the candidates were declared winners. Officers will be sworn in at the Jan. 23 delegates meeting.
Terms are for four years.