Labor headlines from the May 15, 1998, edition of the Northwest Labor Press
O'Connor sworn in as leader of NW
Oregon Labor Council
- Judy O'Connor is settling into her new job as executive secretary-treasurer of the Portland-based Northwest Oregon Labor Council, AFL-CIO.
Portland School District's budget
proposes cutting 43 custodial jobs
- Each day, custodians in the Portland School District keep their schools safe and healthy for children. Custodians are the eyes and ears of public schools. They are the first line of response in time of imminent danger, such as fights, fires, vandalism or bomb threats. They are also trusted problem-solvers for students and teachers.
Jobs in 21st century Oregon to require
more training
- The 21st century Oregon workplace is going to require more highly-skilled workers than ever before, a panel of experts from labor and business agreed recently.
Fair highlights non-traditional
career opportunities for women
- Women in the trades? America's workforce has changed dramatically during the past 40 years when many women put away aprons and began donning suits to go to work. But hard hats?
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