Labor headlines from the September 15, 2000, edition of the Northwest Labor Press

Gore opposes anti-union Measures 92 and 98

National AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka delivers message at Labor Day picnic in Portland

Sizemore and gang experiment with 'educational reform' with Measure 95

Measure 95 would prohibit public schools from basing the pay or job security of teachers on the amount of teaching experience or educational qualifications they have.

Steelworkers and allies want Tri-Met to rule out Oregon Steel

The union is pushing a "Resolution on Responsible Contracting" that might disqualify from the bidding process any company found to violate state or federal laws.

Building Trades Council 'just says no' to Measures 92 & 98

Building trades unions in Oregon are recommending to their members to "just say no" to a slew of measures that will appear on the November ballot.

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