Labor headlines from the August 4, 2000, edition of the Northwest Labor Press

'Paycheck deception' Measures 92 and 98 qualify for state ballot

Bill Sizemore's attacks on organized labor's right to participate in the political process will be on the ballot this November as Measures 92 and 98.

Union officials content with Georgia-Pacific buyout of Fort James

Union officials representing workers at Fort James Corp. paper mill are expressing excitement about the announced $7.7 billion acquisition of the company by Georgia-Pacific Corp.

Religious employers don't always practice what they preach

In their role as employers, churches have a relationship with unions that's sometimes rocky, sometimes downright antagonistic.

Frustrated by stalled negotiations, AFSCME members march on Salem City Council meeting

More than 300 persons (in a 600-member bargaining unit) staged a rally to coincide with the Salem City Council meeting.

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