Labor headlines from the March 3, 2000, edition of the Northwest Labor Press

Oregon AFL-CIO embarks on Labor 2000 campaign
COPE will meet March 9 to make primary endorsements and to review the conference's legislative priorities.

Kaiser and unions will try national bargaining

Under the new "United Bargaining" process, unions will negotiate together at one national table; as those negotiations proceed, local unions will begin their own independent bargaining over local issues of concern.

Head Start workers in Jackson, Josephine counties to vote on union

Following a union organizing campaign more focused on worker rights than economic gains, some 210 Head Start workers in southwest Oregon will vote in March on whether to join Council 75 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Christian Coalition of Oregon in bed with Bill Sizemore

The Christian Coalition of Oregon helped collect signatures for Bill Sizemore's anti-union "paycheck deception" initiative - receiving payment for each signature it turned in to him.

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