Labor headlines from the February 18, 2000, edition of the Northwest Labor Press

Labor group tells feds destroying dams not the answer
Representatives of organized labor and a variety of economic interests joined together Feb. 3 in Portland to testify against breaching key parts of the Northwest hydroelectric system.

Economist says Social Security system not on verge of collapse

Social Security will be there for you when you retire, proclaimed economist Dean Baker, a national authority on Social Security, to a group of union members at a breakfast sponsored by the Northwest Oregon Labor Council.

Engineers, technicians strike Boeing Co.

More than 22,000 engineers and technicians at The Boeing Co. in Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Florida and Kansas walked off the job Feb. 9 in a dispute over guaranteed wage increases, lump-sum bonuses, protection of life and health insurance policies, outsourcing and respect at work.

Sizemore files signatures to put 'paycheck deception' back on ballot

Bill Sizemore, the anti-union leader of Oregon Taxpayers United, submitted 111,000 signatures with the State Elections Division on an initiative that - if passed by voters - would restrict unions from participating in the political process.

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