November 21, 2003  Volume 104 Number 22
Powells workers stage first of multiple walkouts
No contract, and alleged labor law violations, drove employees at Powell’s Books in Portland to wage a one-day strike Nov. 12. More than 400 workers at Powell’s, members of International Longshore and Warehouse ... MORE

Oregon rocked hard by economic tremors
Even if they’re still employed, most workers have felt the tremors by now; the United States is experiencing an economic earthquake. That’s the message of a report from the national AFL-CIO, which developed an “Economic Richter Scale” to portray the magnitude of the shock.

Portland seniors demand right to import cheaper Canadian drugs
More than four dozen seniors turned up in a Tigard parking lot Nov. 8 to make a point: If the U.S. government won’t make prescription drugs affordable, at the very least it ought to get out of the way and let people re-import American-made drugs from Canada.

Providence Milwaukie nurses win hard-fought first contract
It took two years, but a group of 115 nurses at Providence Milwaukie Hospital finally got their first contract — approved 75-1 in a Nov. 14 vote. The nurses joined Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals in December 2001.

Labor rights violations widespread in the United States
Tens of thousands of workers are fired every year in the United States for supporting a union. In its first comprehensive study of workers’ rights in the United States, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch found “widespread labor rights violations across regions, industries, and employment status.”

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