January 2, 2004  Volume 105 Number 1
Union says cleaning firm uses 'franchises' to skirt wage laws
Left, "Franchisee" Tri Bui tells Labor Commissioner Dan Gardner how he paid thousands of dollars to get a job cleaning buildings. .... MORE

After Çdecert,Á CNF looks to send jobs overseas
Less than a month after employees at CNF Services Inc. decertified their union following a massive anti-union campaign, the company announced just before Christmas that it likely will outsource a department overseas, putting 40 employees in Portland and 160 employees from two other cities out of work.

Good Samaritan Hospital workers avert one-day strike
Service Employees Local 49 ratified a new three-year collective bargaining agreement Dec. 23 at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital, averting a one-day strike scheduled for Dec. 22.
Bush ignores jobless workers
Because Congress refused to reauthorize the federal Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation program, 90,000 jobless workers began running out of benefits every week across the U.S as of Dec. 21. In Oregon, more than 20,000 jobless workers have lost or will soon lose their UI benefits.

UFCW takes health care strike against Safeway nationwide
From Southern California to Canada and across the United States, United Food and Commercial Worker activists and their allies are planning actions and asking shoppers to stay away from Safeway grocery stores.

More news articles
* Laborers Local 483 endorses Nick Fish for City Council

* Central Oregon Head Start workers vote 2-1 for OSEA
* Bargaining begins Jan. 6 at Northwest Natural
* AFSCME Local 189 backs Francesconi for Portland mayor
* Machinists Lodge 63 announces new union officers
* Auto Mechanics Lodge 1005 lists winners of union voting



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