Labor headlines from the January 19, 2001, edition of the Northwest Labor Press

Oregon AFL-CIO 'cautiously positive' about Legislature
Oregon lawmakers kicked off the 2001 legislative session Jan. 8 with speeches and the usual calls for bipartisan cooperation in dealing with budget issues ranging from education funding to helping with rural development.
Portland school custodians resist move to graveyard shift
Less than a year after custodians at Portland Public Schools beat back a possible staff cut in the already understaffed district custodial services, they're up in arms about a team-approach pilot plan that they say is intended to prepare the way for contracting out.

AFL-CIO asks Wyden to oppose Ashcroft for Attorney General

The Oregon AFL-CIO asked U.S. Senator Ron Wyden to join the national labor federation in opposing the nomination of John Ashcroft for U.S. attorney general.

Willamette Industries unions band together for better pensions

On Jan. 4, several representatives of the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers leafleted outside the headquarters of Willamette Industries in solidarity with Willamette Industries workers in Campti, Louisiana.

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