August 6, 2010 Volume 111 Number 15
Oregon AFL endorses SchraderAt the Oregon AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education (COPE) meeting in June, delegates voted to postpone consideration of an endorsement for Congressman Kurt Schrader and to allow the Executive Committee to consider any action at a later date. On July 26, the state labor federation’s Executive Committee took up the endorsement and voted to support Schrader. “At a time when Republican lawmakers have closed their doors to the labor movement and middle class Americans as a whole, the Executive Committee felt it was important to help keep an ally in Congress,” said Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain, pointing out that Schrader has voted with labor “the vast majority of the time” and that he voted for the last set of job creation and unemployment insurance extension bills that passed through Congress. “And even when we disagree, his door is always open,” Chamberlain said. Schrader has an 81 percent COPE voting record as tracked by the national AFL-CIO. The first-term congressman voted against the labor-backed Jobs for Main Street Act, which redirected $75 billion in unused bank bailout money — the Troubled Asset Relief Program — to fund infrastructure and job investments and provide additional emergency funding for families in need. He also cast a “no” vote on a financial reform and consumer protection bill that overhauled the country’s financial rules and created a Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Both bills passed the Democratic-controlled House. Metro union backs Hughes for Metro presidentTom Hughes, candidate for president of the regional government, Metro, has been endorsed by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3580/3580-1. AFSCME represents over 350 employees at Metro, and another 62 workers at the Portland Expo, Performing Arts, and Convention Centers, which Metro oversees. “Tom has demonstrated the ability to bring diverse groups together to find solutions that benefit the whole community,” said union President Matt Tracy. “He brings the leadership and experience needed to move Metro and the region in a positive direction.” Hughes also has been endorsed by other labor groups, including IBEW Local 48, the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, the Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council, and Teamsters Joint Council 37. Hughes served as mayor of Hillsboro from 2000 to 2008. He taught history and government in the Beaverton school district for 30 years. Oregon Service Employees locals endorse John Kitzhaber for governorMembers of Services Employees International Union (SEIU) voted to endorse Democrat John Kitzhaber for governor of Oregon. Along with the endorsement, they also pledged to campaign actively on his behalf. SEIU represents more than 50,000 workers in state and local government, homecare, child care, adult foster care and the state universities, as well as thousands of workers in the private sector including hospitals, nursing homes and property services. The endorsement was recommended by the union�s political action committee and affirmed by SEIU�s Oregon State Council following a participatory process open to all candidates who responded to a questionnaire, appeared before members, and agreed to spend a day shadowing a member in the workplace. �We were impressed by Kitz-haber�s grasp of the issues, sincerity and candor,� said Barbara Casey, a social services worker from Portland and chair of the SEIU Local 503 CAPE (Citizens Action for Political Education) committee. �But more than anything else, we believe he shares the values of our members and Oregon�s working families.� Union officials said Republican nominee Chris Dudley, a former officer of the NBA players union noted for finding ways around management efforts to cap salaries, spurned a chance to compete for SEIU�s endorsement. � Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.