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May 7, 2010 Volume 111 Number 9
Oregon workers comp reform hits 20-year milestoneBy
DON McINTOSH, Associate Editor
SALEM — With Governor Ted Kulongoski at the 20th anniversary
celebration of the Mahonia Hall workers’ compensation reforms,
it was like old times. Present in the Oregon State Capitol Galleria
May 3 were representatives of labor and business, and a crowd of
state administrators; absent were chiropractors and trial lawyers,
and injured workers.
The reforms were touted as refocusing workers’ comp on workers
and employers, and reducing the role of “special interests”
that had added costs to the system. The results of the reforms —
at the time controversial within labor — have been dramatic.
“It has been the greatest success,” Kulongoski told
celebrants. Since 1990, Oregon’s workers’ comp premiums
have dropped every year but one. Oregon employers pay 60 percent
less today than they did 20 years ago.
“Do you know how much money that is to employers over the
last 20 years?” Kulongoski asked. “$17.5 billion. No
other state in the country can claim that statistic.”
Twenty years ago, Oregon employers paid the eighth highest workers’
comp insurance rates in the nation. The system was breaking down,
recalled Bob Shiprack, longtime executive director of the Oregon
State Building and Construction Trades Council, who took part in
crafting the reforms. At the time, Shiprack also was an elected
state representative from Beavercreek, and chair of the House Labor
Committee. Employers paid $100 in workers’ comp premiums for
every $100 in payroll for some occupational classifications. Once
injured, workers stayed out for years, sometimes getting addicted
to painkillers, Shiprack said, or suffering depression brought on
by the joblessness. And there were abuses of the system, including
cases of fraud by chiropractors, attorneys and workers.
And yet, Kulongoski said, Oregon’s biennial Legislature
punted every two years, wrapping up every session with an unresolved
fight about workers’ comp, an issue held off ‘til the
end of each session because it was so divisive.
Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt determined that sweeping changes
were needed, and appointed a task force of seven labor and seven
business leaders. Aided by Kulongoski, who was then Goldschmidt’s
appointee as Oregon’s insurance commissioner, the task force
met from January to April 1990 in the basement of Mahonia Hall,
the governor’s mansion.
Kulongoski explained why they met in Mahonia Hall. “It’s
the only place I know that has armed guards, a 10-foot fence, and
no one else can get in unless you unlock the gate.”
The proposal developed in the secret meetings, 86 pages of complex
For political reasons, Goldschmidt and Kulongoski felt they had
to have labor on board — specifically the endorsement of the
Oregon AFL-CIO. But Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757 publicly
opposed it, as did the Teamsters, the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council,
the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, the Oregon Nurses
Association, Fire Fighters Council, the Oregon Federation of Teachers
and the unaffiliated Oregon School Employees Association and Oregon
Education Association.
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME) Oregon Council 75 and the Oregon State Building and Construction
Trades came out in favor.
Oregon AFL-CIO President Irv Fletcher needed a two-thirds’
vote of the Executive Board in order to deviate from positions adopted
at the previous AFL-CIO convention. Goldschmidt and Kulongoski lobbied
hard, even attending the meeting of the Executive Board before the
vote. They got the endorsement, by one vote, 14-6.
“I knew it was very close, because there was tremendous
controversy within the organization over this,” Kulongoski
With labor’s endorsement, the Legislature took up the reform
package, now called Senate Bill 1187. It was pushed through on May
7, 1990, in a one-day special session of the Legislature called
by the governor for that sole purpose. It passed, 54-6 in House
and 23-7 in the Senate. While Republicans were unanimously for it,
Democrats were split. Most Democrats voted for it, but some prominent
labor allies did not, including Bill Bradbury, Dick Springer, Frank
Roberts in the Senate and Sam Dominy, Bev Stein, and Margaret Carter
in the House. Senate Labor Committee chair Grattan Kerans (D-Eugene)
called it the “insurance company enrichment act of 1990.”
SB 1187 cut costs by making workplaces safer, by quickly returning
injured workers to jobs … and by making it easier for insurers
to deny claims for certain kinds of injuries.
At the celebration, the governor’s speech, as well as the
glossy handout from the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business
Services, stuck to the first two points.
“There’s a simple fact about workers’ comp,”
Kulongoski said. “If you want to have low workers’ comp
insurance rates, don’t have any accidents.”
SB 1187 added 70 inspectors to Oregon-OSHA, and required employers
with more than 10 employees to have safety committees that included
representatives of labor and management.
The reforms also sped the return of injured workers to work as
soon as doctors determine they are able. Employers get a break on
premiums when they bring an injured worker back on. To get employers
to hire or rehire injured workers, Oregon’s worker’s
comp system pays a 50 percent wage subsidy for three months, up
to $2,500 for special equipment and $400 for clothing, and up to
$1,000 to update skills to meet the requirements of a light duty
SB 1187 also established a 14-member Management-Labor Advisory
Committee (MLAC), along the model of Mahonia Hall, to hash out future
reforms. By custom, the Oregon Legislature won’t consider
any workers’ comp reform unless MLAC has agreed to it. Only
once, under Republican leadership in 1995, did the Legislature disregard
MLAC, passing a bill that was loudly opposed by labor.
But at least one piece of the Mahonia Hall reforms saved money
by making it harder for injured workers to get compensation. SB
1187 changed the definition of what is considered a compensable
injury. Before, insurers paid claims when the workplace was a “contributing
factor,” to the injury or illness. The new rule spelled out
that the workplace had to be the “major contributing cause.”
In other words, the workplace must have contributed at least 51
percent of the problem. Workers with pre-existing conditions, even
ones they didn’t know about, found their disability claims
By the mid-’90s almost 45 percent of denied claims were
rejected because the workplace wasn’t considered the major
contributing cause. And a 2000 study by the Workers’ Compensation
Center of Michigan State University found that 13 percent of Oregon’s
workers’ comp savings could be attributed to the change to
the major contributing cause standard.
“It’s a part [of the savings], and there’s no
denying that,” said John Shilts, head of the Oregon Workers
Compensation Division.
Kulongoski, asked about it by the Labor Press, agreed. “It
was a factor in reducing the number of compensable claims,”
Kulongoski said.
“Before, employers basically bought whatever illnesses the
employee had when they came to work for them. This tried to find
a balance.”
State Rep. Brad Witt, a union representative for United Food and
Commercial Workers Local 555, doesn’t see it that way.
“History will show that outside of enhanced safety and health
enforcement, on the workers’ compensation side of things,
workers got screwed,” Witt said. Witt served on MLAC for a
time as Oregon AFL-CIO secretary-treasurer, and worked to modify
the Mahonia Hall changes.
“The system was designed to make it possible to exclude
people from gaining a compensable claim,” he said.
But Witt thinks a series of reforms a decade and a half after
Mahonia Hall restored some balance and fairness.
Today, premiums are the 13th lowest in the nation. Low workers’
comp costs are a selling point when State of Oregon business recruiters
woo out-of-state businesses. They were a factor in a decision by
California-based organic food processor Amy’s Kitchen to locate
a plant near Medford, for example.
The safety changes — and a shift away from hazardous workplaces
like logging and sawmills, led to fewer accidents. Oregon’s
rate of work-related injuries and illnesses fell — from 10.1
per 100 full-time workers in 1990 to 4.6 in 2008, according to an
annual employer survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That alone
bolsters Kulongoski’s point — that safe workplaces were
the heart of the reform. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.