November 6, 2009 Volume 110 Number 21
Recall votes held in Clatsop County Clatsop
County Commissioner Jeff Hazen survived an Oct. 27 recall vote 1,250
to 978. A second commissioner, Ann Samuelson, lost by a count of 1,013
to 1,009. The four-vote difference triggers an automatic recount.
Clatsop County has 20 days to certify the vote and will then conduct
a recount by hand Nov. 10.
The recall campaign was launched against the commissioners because
they support a union-built $650 million liquefied natural gas (LNG)
terminal proposed at Bradwood Landing, site of a shuttered lumber
mill 20 miles east of Astoria on the Columbia River.
The Columbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council and
the Oregon AFL-CIO support the project. Several unions helped the
commissioners fight the recall.
A third commissioner and LNG supporter Patricia Roberts is facing
a recall vote later this year. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.