November 6, 2009 Volume 110 Number 21
New Boeing assembly line to be built in non-union South Carolina
By DON McINTOSH, Associate Editor
Boeing told the world Oct. 28 it will build its second 787 Dreamliner
assembly line at its nonunion location in North Charleston, South
Carolina — not at its unionized plant in Everett, Washington.
That seemed to end the artificial suspense the company had created
when it publicly dithered over where to locate the second final
assembly site.
Boeing unions called it a bad business decision, and said it had
been clear during confidential talks that the company wasn’t
serious about negotiating a “no-strike” pledge.
But buried in the Boeing announcement
was contradictory news: The company will use what it called “transitional
surge capability” to make 787s in Everett until the new North
Charleston facility is completed in 2013. In other words, the second
assembly line for the 787 will be built where the Machinists Union
argued it should be built: right next to the first one in an unused
bay at Boeing Everett, the world’s largest building by volume.
It’s just that that line may be phased out once the North
Carolina facility comes online.
The 787 uses lighter, stronger composite materials than previous
Boeing models and has been a big seller with commercial airlines
because it will be quieter and more fuel-efficient. Boeing has reported
as many as 840 orders for the 787. But the program is two years
behind schedule, and not a single plane has been delivered. Boeing
chose to outsource production of most components of the plane, and
has been plagued by quality problems and supply chain delays. [That
includes the North Charleston facility, which makes 787 aft fuselage
sections. Boeing bought it from a subcontractor after experiencing
quality problems.] The second assembly line was proposed as a way
to deal with the backlog. But the decision to put it in South Carolina
didn’t make sense to unions familiar with the industry.
“Boeing has decided to double-down on its failed 787 strategy
and place an ill-advised, billion-dollar bet on a strategy that’s
a proven loser,” said Machinists District 751 President Tom
Wroblewski in a press
“We are astounded that Boeing has chosen to compound the
problems of the 787 program by further fragmenting the supply chain,”
said Ray Goforth, executive director of the Society of Professional
Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), Local 2001. “There
is no credible business case for this decision.”
Business explanations for locating in South Carolina — lower
wages, and government incentives — didn’t add up, said
Machinists District 751 spokesperson Connie Kelliher. Boeing’s
South Carolina workers, most of whom have less than four years experience,
average $14 an hour, while its Washington workforce, with an average
of 19 years experience, make $28 an hour on average. But a new line
in Everett, Kelliher points out, would be expected to employ mostly
new hires, and those come in at $15 an hour under the Machinists
Then there’s the incentive package put together by South
Carolina officials, reportedly worth $170 million. To take advantage
of that, Boeing would have to invest $750 million and commit to
long-term employment of 3,800 workers — more than triple the
jobs Boeing said it would need for the second line.
Kelliher said it became clear that Boeing intended to expand in
North Charleston, and there was nothing the union could offer in
behind-the-scenes talks that would change its mind. Boeing had already
obtained the land in North Charleston, and had architectural plans,
building permits, and contractors lined up. Groundbreaking was to
occur just weeks after Boeing’s official announcement that
they’d be expanding in North Charleston.
Once Boeing announced its decision, details of its confidential
talks with the union and elected leaders came out.
In an interview with the online-only Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire said Boeing Commercial Airplanes
CEO Jim Albaugh told her the Charleston decision was not about workers’
compensation expenses or state taxes. Gregoire said Albaugh told
her: “This is about negotiations with labor.”
The company said publicly it needed assurance of labor peace —
a no-strike pledge — in order to locate the second line in
Everett. But the Machinists contract contains a no-strike pledge,
for as long as the contract remains in force. The current contract
runs through 2012. To extend that would be to extend the no-strike
Wroblewski said the union offered Boeing a 10-year contract, and
even offered to go longer than that.
“And when we did, they seemed stunned, and stopped talking,”
Wroblewski said. “It was obvious to me that Boeing wasn’t
really interested in working with us. They didn’t take our
proposals seriously and they never offered any proposals of their
own. Most of the time, they didn’t even take notes.”
“When I asked them to confirm that the extended contract
would secure the second 787 line for Washington state, their reply
was only: ‘Well, it would be helpful.’ But they would
not commit to anything.”
Why was Boeing taking part in talks if it wasn’t serious?
Machinists International President Thomas Buffenbarger put it bluntly.
“This was all a ploy to paint us as the bad guys,”
Buffenbarger said, “and to play their hand as hard as they
could (for incentives from) South Carolina.”
“For us,” Kelliher said, “we have to move forward.
They made their decision. We’re going to continue to prove
every day why we’re worth the money and benefits we’re
paid. Hopefully it’ll convince them that the ‘transitional
surge’ line should be a permanent second line, because it’s
going to be a money maker for Boeing.” © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.