November 6, 2009 Volume 110 Number 21
Oregon AFL-CIO Convention Resolutions
Remove Michael Astrue as commissioner of the Social Security Administration.
Build coalitions with union-friendly co-ops to focus on common
Utilize unionized child care providers whenever possible.
Encourage endorsed political campaigns and candidates to utilize
the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE)
and IBEW for events and productions.
Convene a summit in 2010 on the creation of sustainable good family-wage
green jobs.
Build a diverse labor movement in Oregon through promotion of
constituency groups.
Law and Legislation
Oppose Medicare private fee for service (Medicare Advantage) plans.
Pass legislation requiring public employers to remain neutral
in union organizing campaigns.
Support the American Federation of Government Employees’
campaign to organize Transportation Security Administration employees.
Prevent water privatization.
Support Ballot Measures 66 and 67 on January 2010 special election.
Ensure efficient amounts of future job-producing lands in Multnomah,
Clackamas and Washington counties urban reserves.
Support the Columbia River Crossing project’s locally preferred
Expand prevailing wage laws and regional preference laws with
greater accountability in public contracting.
Oppose any attempts to divert unemployment insurance trust funds.
Constitution and Bylaws
Finance plan to support Labor 2010 program, to include a one-time
assessment of $3 per member.
Establish a Youth Caucus for members age 35 and younger, with
a seat on the General Board.
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