October 16, 2009 Volume 110 Number 20
Shuler, Kitzhaber to appear at Oregon AFL-CIO gathering Newly
elected AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler will be a keynote speaker
at the Oregon AFL-CIO Convention Oct. 25-27.
Shuler, a member of Portland-based IBEW Local 125 who last month was
elected on a slate with President Richard Trumka, will address delegates
Tuesday morning, Oct. 27.
Also on the speaking docket are Larry Cohen, international president
of Communications Workers of America; Stewart Acuff, assistant to
President Trumka; and former Oregon governor and candidate for governor
John Kitzhaber.
The convention opens Monday, Oct. 26, at 9 a.m. at the Riverhouse
Convention Center with an opening address from President Tom Chamberlain.
Prior to that, at 8 a.m., first-time delegates are invited to attend
an orientation seminar, where experienced union leaders will walk
through convention rules and procedures and discuss how to effectively
participate in the process.
CWA’s Cowen and Kitzhaber also will address delegates Monday
Monday evening at 5 p.m. the International Association of Fire Fighters
will host a barbecue, followed by the popular Union Label Show at
7 p.m.
In addition to Shuler, Tuesday will feature a report by Oregon AFL-CIO
Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Byrd, and remarks from Jerome Ringo of
the Apollo Alliance and Bob Baugh, director of the AFL-CIO’s
Industrial Union Council.
A Welcome Party featuring Carl Wolfson, comedian and host of The Morning
Show on 620 KPOJ-AM, will be held Sunday, Oct. 25 starting at 5:30
On Sunday afternoon starting at noon the Oregon AFL-CIO Executive
Committee will meet, followed by the Executive Board, General Board,
and Committee on Political Education (COPE) Board.
At 4 p.m. the state labor federation will meet with AFL-CIO constituency
groups to discuss ways in which members can become more active in
workplace issues. Among the groups invited to attend is the Youth
Caucus for delegates ages 35 and under.
AFL-CIO constituency groups include the Coalition of Labor Union
Women; the Labor Coalition for Latin American Advancement; the A.
Phillip Randolph Institute; the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists;
the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance; Pride At Work; and the
Alliance for Retired Americans.
Convention registration opens at noon, Sunday, Oct. 25, in the
lobby of the Riverhouse Hotel and will continue until 8 p.m. Registration
tables will be open Monday and Tuesday starting at 8 a.m.
The deadline for resolutions from statewide organizations is 7
p.m., Sunday, Oct. 25. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.