April 3, 2009 Volume 110 Number 7
Carpenters Local 247 elects Willie Gore presidentAt
their March 10 regular meeting, members of Carpenters Local 247 elected
Willie Gore to serve the remainder of the term of longtime president
Bruce Dennis, who resigned in November. Gore outpolled Christie Kern
and Gene Lawhorn for the unpaid position, which is responsible for
running meetings and making appointments to committees. Gore said
he plans to run for a full two-year term in June.
Gore, 54, first joined the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in 1982
in his native Arizona, after working in nonunion residential construction.
But the now-defunct local had trouble keeping market share in the
right-to-work state, and Gore moved to Oregon after the local agreed
to a wage cut.
An optimist by nature, Gore is ardent about the value of a hard day’s
work and sticking to the union. When he arrived in Oregon in 1988,
Gore said he took a job picking up garbage rather than working as
a nonunion carpenter while he waited to get into Portland-based Local
His first job through Local 247 was at PGE’s Trojan Nuclear
Plant, which employed hundreds of Carpenters during an annual reactor
Gore became active in the local on Dennis’ encouragement. Gore
said there were 16 members at the first local meeting he attended.
He and other members worked to come up with ways to increase turnout.
They began inviting speakers, serving food and beverages, providing
on-site child care, giving door prizes, and awarding union-logo Carhartt
jackets to regular attendees. Today, attendance typically tops 100
in the 1,300-member local. As president, Gore said he aims to keep
meetings short, orderly, positive, and fun.
He sees himself as a peacemaker, and said he decided to run for president
in order to bring membership together.
Gore served four years as vice president and regional council delegate.
He has taught classes at the Willamette Carpenters Training Center
and served as a lead volunteer at the union picnic and union-led charitable
activities like Christmas in April.
Local 247 members also elected Julio Figueroa to fill Dennis’
vacated position as delegate to the Pacific Northwest Regional Council
of Carpenters. Figueroa outpolled five others for the position, including
Dennis stepped down as Regional Council president also, and in February,
council delegates chose Rich Peterson, president of Seattle-based
Local 131, to replace him. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.