February 20, 2009 Volume 110 Number 4

Business-labor-group to hold lobby day for liquefied natural gas

Energy Action Northwest, an alliance of business and labor groups formed last year to advocate for responsible energy development in Oregon and Washington, will hold a “Day at the State Capitol” Friday, March 6, in Salem.

Display booths will be set up in the Capitol’s Galleria, and union members will have an opportunity to lobby lawmakers and leaflet passersby about the need for job creation through investment in energy infrastructure projects.

Energy Action Northwest is a proponent of proposed liquefied natural gas terminals and pipelines, including one at Bradwood Landing near Astoria.

“We have ample space for any number of unions that wish to participate in the lobby day,” said Tom Ivancie, director of public affairs. To set up a union booth or to register to lobby, call Ivancie at 503-595-1232 or e-mail him at [email protected].

Members of Energy Action argue that building the LNG terminal in Astoria will provide significant short-term economic stimulus without any taxpayer dollars. Additionally, the project will assure continued access to reliable, reasonably priced supplies of natural gas to power the electric grid, the manufacturing sector, and to heat homes.

The lobby day is part of Energy Action’s “Truth Offensive” campaign to rebut claims by environmental groups that LNG plants are unnecessary.

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