February 6, 2009 Volume 110 Number 3
CLCs choose leadershipClark Skamania West Clickitat CLCMike Carnahan of Electrical Workers Local 48 was re-elected secretary-treasurer of Clark, Skamania, West Klickitat Counties Central Labor Council in an election held Jan. 22. Shannon Walker of Office and Professional Employees Local 277 was tapped president; Judy Kuschel of AFSCME Local 313 was elected vice president; and Rick Thompson of Machinists Lodge 63 was re-elected sergeant-at-arms. Walker succeeds Cager Clabaugh of International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 4. He did not seek re-election. Elected to the Executive Board were Lucy Carrier of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555, Roy Jennings of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757, Roben White of Painters Local 10, and Scott Orrell of ILWU Local 4. Mark Rauchenstein of International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers Local 17 was re-elected a trustee. Marion Polk Yamhill CLCSALEM — Joe Munger of Steelworkers Local 8378 has been elected president of the Marion, Polk, Yamhill Counties Central Labor Council. He succeeds Dave Tischer of the Laborers Local 320, who did not seek re-election. Richard Swyers of AFSCME Local 2067 was re-elected secretary-treasurer and Rosalie Pedroza of Service Employees Local 503 was re-elected vice president. Terms of office are three years. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.