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December 7, 2007 Volume 108 Number 23
O'Connor, Petroff re-electedJudy O’Connor was re-elected Nov. 26 to a new four-year term as executive secretary-treasurer of the Northwest Oregon Labor Council. A long-time member of Office and Professional Employees Local 11, she ran unopposed. Also re-elected by acclamation to new terms were President Bob Petroff, 1st Vice President Barbara Hougen and 2nd Vice President Lynn Lehrbach. Petroff is directing business representative of Machinists District Lodge 24 and a delegate from Lodge 63; Hougen is a delegate from Electrical Workers Local 89 and Lehrbach is a delegate from Teamsters Joint Council No. 37. Elected by acclamation to NOLC’s Executive Board were Glenn Shuck, Position 1; Terry Lansing, Position 2; Janet Irwin, Position 3; Roberta Cunningham, Position 4; John Mohlis, Position 5; Dan Sass, Position 6, and Ed Barnes, Position 7. Shuck is a delegate from Steelworkers Local 330; Lansing is secretary-treasurer of Bakers Local 114; Irwin is a delegate from AFSCME Local 88; Cunningham is executive vice president of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555; Mohlis is executive secretary-treasurer of the Columbia-Pacific Building Trades Council; Sass is secretary-treasurer of Machinists District Lodge 24 and a delegate from Lodge 1432; and Barnes is a delegate from IBEW Local 48. Sam Gillispie, a delegate from UFCW Local 555, and Scott Lucy, a delegate from Machinists Lodge 63, were re-elected reading clerks, and John Hall, a delegate from Machinists Lodge 63, and John Vandermosten, a delegate from IBEW Local 48, were re-elected sergeants-at-arms. Elected trustees were incumbents Shannon Walker of OPEIU Local 277, and Lee Duncan of IBEW Local 48. Newcomer Steve Konopa of UFCW Local 555 will join them. All officers and board members will be installed at the delegates’ meeting in January 2008. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.