Richmond Baking votes for Local 114

Bakery workers employed at Richmond Baking of Oregon voted March 1 to join the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union Local 114. The plant, located in McMinnville, produces organic cookies and crackers (including Pilot Crackers), batter mixes and other cracker products.

It employs 10-12 full-time workers, plus another 5-10 employees from a temp agency. The vote was among the regular workers and provides union representation for employees in mixing, production, sanitation, maintenance mechanics, packaging, shipping/receiving, and quality control.

The plant is owned by Bill and Robert Quigg, who also operate Richmond Baking of Indiana, and Richmond Baking of Georgia. Those two plants each employ 100-plus employees.

The Indiana Plant is union, and the Bakers are currently involved in an organizing campaign at the Georgia operation.

The McMinnville plant was built in 2001, and the Quigg family invested money with plans of expanding to the size of their Indiana and Georgia plants, said Local 114 Business Manager Terry Lansing.

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