Diane Linn picks up endorsements from three labor unions
Multnomah County
Chair Diane Linn has picked up endorsements from three unions in her campaign
for re-election.
The latest is Portland Fire Fighters Local 43, which made the announcement
Jan. 31.
Other labor groups endorsing Linn are Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757
and the Portland Association of Teachers, an affiliate of the Oregon Education
“Portland’s firefighters support her re-election because she
has provided real leadership and produced real results for the workers of
Multnomah County,” said Fire Fighters President Jack Finders.
“Livability of our community equals the strength of its educational
system. Diane has stepped out at great risk to ensure that our children
and teachers have the tools they need to be successful,” said PAT
President Ann Nice. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.