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Killed On The JobSeventy-five workers who died in work-related accidents in Oregon last year will be remembered at a special noontime ceremony Monday, April 28, at the State Capitol, marking the 14th anniversary of Workers Memorial Day. Nationally, Workers Memorial Day remembers the nearly 6,000 workers killed each year at work, another 50,000 who die from occupational diseases and millions more who are injured. And every April the national AFL-CIO renews its fight for safer workplaces. The first Workers Memorial Day was observed in 1989. April 28 was chosen because it is the anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the day of a similar remembrance in Canada. This year marks the 33rd anniversary of the passage of the federal act, which promised every American worker the right to a safe job. And the fight to protect workers is getting harder. That's because, according to the national AFL-CIO, the Bush Administration has joined with business groups to roll back, block or stall many of the needed protections. After repealing OSHA's ergonomics standard, the Administration halted work on dozens of new safety and health standards and ignored important hazards. Ergonomic hazards cripple and injure more than 1.8 million workers each year and remain the nation's biggest job safety and health problem. The Administration also has proposed cutting OSHA's budget and slashing funding for job safety research. Meanwhile, it continues a pro-business stance, stacking advisory committees with management representatives and even shutting workers and unions out of OSHA's voluntary programs.
The following workers were killed on the job In 2002 in Oregon:
Kit Baldwin
Judith D. Beeson
Michael L. Blades
Jessie Blanton
Vernon R. Bonner
Scott K. Bradshaw
Sharon L. Bybee
Fernando Campos
Randall E. Carpenter
Thomas A. Chase
Charles W. Clemmer
Jeffery E. Common
Dennis G. Costello
Robert H. Cramer
Michael S. Dodson
Christopher G. Ehly
Claude J.Emmert
Robert S. Ervin
Rodney Falk
Dennis M. Fisher
Edward Flemming
Anthony M. Frary
Raymond L. Gabbard
Vernon R. Gardner
Tara L. Hall
Robert C. Hanners
Jon A. Harrod
John L. Hasler
Kevin F. Hayes
Rex L. Hendren
Ernest S. Henschel
Judah P. Hernon
Ali H. Houdroj
Kirk R. Huffstetler
Aaron R. Johnson
Brandie S. Kirkendoll
Annette Kramer
Lorina A. Kyle
Paul D. Leep
Eli T. Lewis
Tracy R. Lewis
James E. Marks
Kevin M. Montavon
Todd A. Morris
Eugene R. Murphy
Monte Nelson
Jane O'Kern
Jody & Jacob Oliver
Kenneth Oliver
Leroy N. Omer
William T. Parmenter
Ryan R. Parrish
Frederico Elisandro-Perez Lopez
Grace E. Phelps
Benjamin E. Pool
Michael E. Powell
Thomas E. Rice
Dennis W. Savage
Alvin W. Sheller
Charles A. Silvers
Barbara J. Smith
Luis N. Solis
Gable Southwick
Morris L. Taylor
Azucena Terrazas
Gary L. Thompson
William D. Tobin
Jason C. Wallace
Roger Wangsgard
Alfred Westerfield
Wayne R. Whitmire
Carey D. Williams
Steven C. Woodward
Robin L. Wright
Died Since 1989Santiago Aeovitx, David O. Bell, Christopher Blizzard, Cecil Bourne, Gary L. Brown, Earl Burhans, Thomas A. Chase, Ronnie E. Chastain, Jose Ciau-Tox Williams Cole, Dennis G. Costello, Jeffrey E. Dabill, Ronald E. DeWitt, James P. Donathan, Daniel S. Dunlap, Ben Eder, Claude J. Emmert, Martin Erazmus, Randy A. Finley, Wayne A. Freitas, Gregoria Barcia-Munoz, Billy Glenewinkle, Jared Hamrick, Elmer C. Harp, John R. Hazlett, Stanley A. Heath Richard Hernandez, Jason A. Hoerauf, Philip C. Humbert, Timothy D. Johnston, William A. Kelsey, John M. Knight, Kip Krigbaum, Donavon E. LaDuke, Douglas Lake, Marty R. Lane, Steven Langlot, David C. Laurie, Maria F. Mignano, Bobby C. Moore, William Parker, Charles R. Redmond, Harley Renschler, Royald E. Richter, Timothy J. Shipman, Robert Thompson, Mariano C. Torlao, Thomas L. Udenby, Matthew J. Whitney, Domingo Zapata, Gregory V. Babb, Keithel R. Baker, Robert P. Baker, William Benedict, Seth L. Blankenship, Cristopher R. Blizzard, Rick Bloxham, Kyle R. Bowen, Bill D. Bowman, Michael Brasuell, James L. Brenzier, Preston J. Cagle, Dale C. Cartner, John Clark, Jesse V. Crites, Gerald V. Davis, Jeffrey E. Deprey, Todd A. Dixon, Robert O. Gardner, Ronald E. Garrison, Donald Keith Gates, William D. Gault,Thurston P. Gilchrist,Cecil A. Green, Robert A. Grey, Scott L. Groth, Franklin J. Havens, Willie S. Jackson, Duane M. John, Jonathan G. Johnson, Jon C. Joseph, Felix Juarez, David W. Keller, Roger Kelly, Douglas A. Lake, Benito R. Lamas, Aaron Malsburg, Janet A. Mangold, Michael G. McGill, Matt M. Miles, Luke N. Moen, Lazaro S. Moreno, Gloria Murphy,Daniel L. Nations, Cipriano J. Perez, Jari Priddy, Lloyd D. Rickard, Wesley H. Rinehart, Josiah Rohrer, Geronimo J. Salgado, Donald Sayers, Floyd Snodgrass, Gary L. Stamp, Michael V. Stanfield, Steven Streng, Antonio Tox, Dee C. Valentine, Robert G. Veatch, Darrell Walters, John D. Wells, Carla A. Younce, Tom Abbott, Ralph Adams, Larry Allen, Daniel Arntt, Gene Ast, Alvaro Aviles-Bejar, Ernest Barber Sr., Danny Blumenthal, Daniel Booze, Kenneth Booze, Terry Buel, Thomas Cassell, Catalino Castillo-Cornejo, Sheilagh Conroy, Randy Cook, Sonia Cooper, Debra Cousins, Terry Crafton, Alban D'Auvergne, Hubbard Day Jr., Harold Dumond, Randy Duval, Dennis Edwards, Benjamin Ensley, Ernest Espinosa Jr., Bertram Fawver, Brady Fromm, Gregory Haggard, Danny Hansen, Phillip Hansen, Pedro Hernandez, Pedro Herandez, John Hoesly, Yuan Bin Huang, Rick Hull, William Hunt, Mary Infante, Fred Jacob, Wayne Kanashige, Kathryn Kester, George Kroker, Thomas Larson, Charles Lee, Maria Leonardo, Shelie Macias, Tith Mao, Roger Maynard, Christopher McCormick, Jack McGee, Jason Menteer, John Moore, Gerald Myers, Jimmie Norman, Hans Oesch, Marvin Pelzel, Alan Pilgrim, Bobbie Porter, George Pownall, Jeffrey Prinz, Oscar Reichenbach, Neil Richmond, Brad Rudabaugh, Harold Rogers, Forrest Schweiger, Matthew Shelden, Walter Slusarczyk, Floyd Snodgrass, Brian Spilka, Michael Spry, Roger St. John, Wilbur Strait, Juan Tellechea, Thomas Thorson, Benjamin Toster, Brandon Vilhauer, Charles Vodehnal, Lisa Wampole, Jack Weatherill, Joseph Wehr, Jerald Wiese, Henry Williams Jr., Robert Winona, Nicholas Young, Arnulfo Amador-Segura, Lyle Barber, David Bardwell, Fred Becker, Kenneth Berkey, Marcus Biggs, Gary Bird, Kirk Bjornsen, Richard Bohrer, Wiston Boothby, Martin Brezina, Jeffrey Burton, Mark Busch, Frank Butcher, David Campbell, James Campbell, Charles Chandler, Thurston Clark, George Cox, Leslie Cunningham, Peter Dahn, Kenneth Davis, Ivan DeBusk, Luis DeLeon-Gonzalez, John Domenici, James Dunn, James Erickson, Les Ford, Christopher Fritz, Michelle Howard, Matthew Hunsaker, Lloyd Jenson, Eric Johnson, Richard Kallio, Mark Keiser, Albert Kuhn, Leodore LaTulippe, John Laudon, Francisco LeChuga-Davila, John Leibham, Salvador Lopez-Torres, Donald MacLennan, Ronald Mallea, David McAllister, James McCabe, Richard McCarthy, Bruce McKenzie, Shannon McMillen, Eric McNamara, Gerald Meeker, Henry Merryman, Michael Miller, John Morgan, Stephen Nehilla, Richard Nelson, Wade Nodine, Gabriel O'Connor, Harold Ochsner, Atushi Okubo, David Palco, John Paola, Philip Picker, Eric Pierce, David Pizzarello, Joseph Portugal, Eleno Ramierz-Lopez, Douglas Randles, Don Rapaich, John Redernick, Rebecca Reid, Dan Roa, Michael Rogers, Linton Ross, Dennis Samson, Kevin Schaff, Louis Schroen, Vernon Smith, Russell Smolinski, Kelly Stancliff, Michael Stinson, Lee Stults, Jerry Tack, Bruce Thomes, Thomas Tye, Larry Ryan, Fausto Valdivia, Eliseo Vasquez, Mateo Villanueva, Charles Vodhnal, Kelvin Voss, William Wall, Clinton Webb, Theodore Webber, Ray Whitney, Thomas Willeford, James Wright, John Wright, Randy Abrams, Todd Allen, James Ankeny, Terry Barnard, Larry Behrend, Ronald Binam, Daniel Bischopink, Brian Black, Michael Blackford, David Bowers, John Broda, Richard Brown, Laurie Busby, Arlan Caya, Grant Chase, John Coplen, Jeffrey Crume, James Davey, Andre Dube, Casey Ellis, Juan Espino-Meza, Wayne Fountain, Michael Geib, William Hall, Edwin Haller, Todd Harter, Larry Hetrick, James Jinkins, David Koch, Robert Lindsey, Shannon Managhan, John Matlock, William McDaniel, Robert McMaster, Ronnie Mills, Ronald Mink, Richard Mitchell, Raymond Moxley, Melvin Napoleon, Kevin Neal, Stanley Ogan, Rick Parsons, Timothy Pate, Adrin Pointer, Jay Richins, Thomas Romero, Dennis Rose, Michael Saldi, Nehemias Sales, Ronald Sammons, Richard Savoie, Jeffrey Shook, David Simmons, Elizabeth Slottee, Neil Tofell, Frank Wharff, Richard Wood, Leonard Wright, Willis Adams, Carter Anderson, Richard Anderson, Nolan Andrew, James Ankeny, Curtis Arcouette, Rosendo Arroyo, Gary Ayer, David Baker, Ronald Baldwin, Victor Balero, Arlee Bales, Luis Barajas Paz, Mary Barela, James W. Bartlett, Demar Batchelor, Carl Bates, Jerome Batman, Jake Bebb, Thad Bedingfield, Elio Bedolla, Penelope Behee, Steven Benham, James Bennett, Oscar Bergquist, Kenneth Berkey,Frank Berry, Francis Bigelow, Alvin Birkholz, Gary Bishop, Roger Bissonette, Brian Black, Robert Blair, Billy Bliss, Lawrence Bock, Charles Bock, James Boland, Cary Borland, A. Bond, Richard Boyd, Earl Boyd, Michael Boyle, Emil Brase, Kevin Brattle, Mike Brenner, Victor Brewer, Margie Brinker, Leroy Britt, Arthur Brown, Kristopher Brown, Dennis Brown, Richard Brown, Roy Bristow, Montie Bruner, Martha Bryant, Jess Bunyard, Floyd Burton, Norman Burdon,Donald Burris, James Butler, Larry Byrum, James Campbell, Billy Cannon, Mary B. Carey, Foster Carroll, Samuel Carter, Delbert Carter, Margaret Caulfied, William Cavinee, Mario Cervantes, Jason Childers, Robert Christiansen, Wayne Church, Marlin Claridge, Adam Clark, David Clark, Dallas Clark, Christina Clegg, John Cline, Bret Clodfelter, Anthony Collier, Scott Collins, Nicholas Colouzis, Jeffrey Come, Thomas Cook, Earl Cooper, Larry Cork, Bill Cosgrove, James Coultas, Georgeann Coulter, Loy Courser, Jonni Coury, Ralph Covington, Kent Crawley, Gerald Crisp, John Crouch, Monica Cuenca, Nolan Curl, George Daniel, Donovan Danzuka, Patrick Davidson, James Day, John Day, Mary Deboie, Dwayne De Wolf, Linda Deacon, Tim Dell, Kathleen Demarest, Lewis Dennewitz, James Dent, Edwin Devoll, Leroy DeWolk, Jimmie Dexter, Wendall Diel,George Dilley, Lonnie Dirks, Bryan Dodge, Billy Dougherty, Rhory Draeger, Robert Duncan, Alroy Stevens, James Stevenson, Charley Stewart, Charles Stewart, Paul Still, Michael Stinson, Jon Storm,Viktor Strelnikov, Glendon Sundstrom, John Surgeon, Michael Tarbox, Connie Taylor, Jerry Taylor, Elmer Tec-Baeza, Charles Teeter, Tom Tennant, Donald Thomas, Kathryn Thomas, Dennis Thomas, David Thompson, Paul Thoreson, Brian Tichenor, Darrell Tidwell Donald Tobin, Brian Todd, Joseph Todd, Neil Tofell, John Tollefson, James Treviso, Marvin Tugman, Jared Vandecar, Earl Van Loo, Fautso Valdivia, Mark Vanwagenen, Neal Varland, Abraham Vazquez-Figueroa, John Vega, Marceal Velasquez, Kerment Verner, Collen Waibel, Kevin Walker, Frances Wall, William Wall, Anna Wallinga, Frank Ward, Wayne Warmouth, Clifford Warner, James Watson, Dennis Watson,Richard White, Mark Whitehead, Julie Whiting, Orie Willcoxon, Ronald Williams, Richard Williams, Chis Willingham, Timothy Wiltrout, Yolanda Wist, Jefferson Wong, Lloyd Wood, Michael Woods, Cynthia Worcester, Troy Workman, Donald Wuite, Kevin Wyman, Curtis York,James Young, William Young, Janine Youts, Alan Zdunski, Richard T. Zegers, John Zimmerman, Jeremy Zuck, Daniel Zurfluh, Gary Dunham, Donald Dunn, David Duryea, Charles Echols, Delbert Eckman, Loren Eells, Paul Ehrlich, Daniel Elliott, Leroy A. Elphic, Virginia K. Endecott, Benjamin Endicott, Alton Epperson, Robert Ervin, Glenn Ericksmoen, Brian Erickson, David Estabrook, Darryl Farmer, Kenneth Fawcett, Jeffery Ferguson, John Fergurson, Manuel Fernandez, Michael Fitch, Steven Fitch, John Fitzgerald, James Fleming, Jesus Fletes, Pedro Flores, Charles Floyd, Catherine Ford, David Foster, James M. Francke, Rachel Frederickson, Allen Gallagher, William Gamez, Charles Gardner, Francis Gardner, William Garrett, Ralph E. Gerking, Harold Gillaspie, Lee Gillins, Rosealie Girtz, John Glasen, Warren Glaus, Rory Gnekow, George Goddard, Thomas Goin, David Gomes, Bert Grant, Frank Gray, Earnest Green, Linda Greenslitt, Robert Greer, David Griffin, Thomas Gross, Grant Guenthner, Ralph Gurwell, Bernice Haas, Joseph Hahn, Bruce Hale, William Hall, Buddy Hamilton, Larry Hampton, Jack Hansen, Karl Hansen, Clarence Harder, Joseph Hargrave, Ray Harris, Thomas Harris, Robert Harris, John Hartel, Michael Hartsell, Chester Hatter, Jeffrey Hawks, Roger Hayes, Gary Heater, Sylvester Hecky, Alton Heilman, Todd Heizelman, John Hennigan, Kenneth Henry, Roderick Henry, Vidal Hernandez, Daniel Herring, Paul Herrle, Thomas Hess, Harry Hester, Danny Hickey, Brian Hill, La Vernae Hohnbaum, Ervin Holter, John Hone, Ronald Hopper, Thomas Hoss, Henry Howe, Larry Howland, Deborah Hubbard, Max Hunnicutt, Leslie, Hurliman, Neil Hurt, Keegan Hyder, Joel Ibarra-Ledesma, Patrick Irish, Curtis Irwin, Sharon Iverson, Archie Jacks, Roy Jackson, Gary Jacobs, James Jeffers, Thomas Jeffries, David Jenks, Billy Jessup, James Jinkins, James Johnson, Preston Johnson, Richard Johnson, Jay Johnston, Kevin Johnston, Patricia Jones, William Jones, Charles Kasper, Charles Kelley, Ronald Kellar, Russell Kennicott, Terry Kilborn, Kenneth Killian, Milton King, Roy Kirk, Everett Klapprich, Clarence Koch, Richard Korfhage, Joel Kowitz, Adam Kramer, William Kreger, Louis Kronick, Gerald La Duke, Ronald Laird, Richard Lamison, Marty Landeen, Phillip Langford, Roy Leach, Richard D. Leber, Diane Lefler, Kenneth Leonard, Colby Lewis, Albert Linder, Randolph P. Listrud, Clinton R. Livesay, Ralph Lucas, Laura Luce, Neil Lund, Michael Lusby, Richard Lushenko, Scott Lyons, Malcolm MacGregor, Anthony Maddock, Coby Makin, Alan Malotte, Sidney Mapplesden, Daniel March, Timothy Mares, Mark Martin, Jacques Mathieu, Donald McCart, Kenneth McCasland, Flint McCord, Michael McCoy, Daniel McDonald, Steven McElroy, Timothy McLaughlin, Steven Meilicke, Richard Mendolia, Allen Menely, Raymond Messier, Donald Michaelis, Howard Miller, James Millican, Richard Milligan, Kent Miner, Kenneth Minkler, James Minter, Alvin Mitchell, Todd Moe, Cheryl Mohrbacher, Robert Moon, Curtis Moore, Benjamin Moore, Keith Morgan, Betty Morin, Travis Morris, Duayne Morrissey, Alvin Moss, Raymond Moxley, Daniel Murphy, Steve Murray, Gilbert Murry, John Myers, Victorino Nava-Mancilla, Jos� Navarro-Hernandez, Richard Nave, Julie Neher, Truman Newsom, Robert Newton, Walter Nitowski, Thomas Oddo, Clinton Ogle, Jeffrey O'Neil, Jose Orellana, Lina Orson, Jerry Osborn, Amanda Ouderkirk, Russell Owens, Randy Parke, Sandra Parker, Robert Paroli, Leslie Parrett, Richard Parrott, Jerome Pavek, Martin Pearcy, Sophie Pearson, Fernando Pedroza Urtez, Kenneth Penter, Louis Perrine, Daryl Peterson, Virgil Pfefferkorn, Eugene Phernetton, Robert W. Phippen, James Pieper, Eric Pierce, Owen Ponchart, Steven Price, Cecil Purcell, John Purcell, Gary Quackenbush, Thomas Quinn, Eric Ragland, Richard Ramsey, Derry Randolph, Everado Rangel-Jasso, Steven Rapp, Dana Reckard, James Rector, James T. Reed, Robert Reed, Lance Reed, Steven Reeder, Douglas Reisbick, William Reisner, Dennis Remington, Lyle Renn, Brian Rhoades, Christopher Rice, Orville Richards, Christopher Rider, John Riley, Peter Roa, Jeffrey Robotkay, Thomas Romero, Robbie Rorden, Dennis Rose, Kenneth Rose, Ronald Ross, Jamilyn Rousse, Rex Rowley, Dewayne Ruschman, Fou Saechao, Antelmo Salgado-Roman, Randy Sammons, Ronald Sammons, Guadalupe Sandoval, Richard Savoie, George Schill, Michael Schlimgen, Randy Schluter, Larry Schmidt, Lawrence Schoonover, Douglas Scott, Richard Schuening, Lowell Scott, Robert Seelye, Carl Selle, Carl Sether, Bradford Sexton, Richard Shadley, Delmer Shanafelt, Marlyn Sheppard, Pamela Sherar, Mark Shewfelt, William Shook, Dale Shreffler, Dale Siegel, Mark Siemens, Dale Sizemore, Benedict Smith, Michael Smith, Timothy Smith, John Snyder, Franklin Snyder, Carl Soderback, David Soliz, Donn Soto, Aaron Stanfield, Victor Steffen, Shawn Stephenson. (Oregon fatalities are from newspaper clippings and information supplied by the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration representing job-related fatalities for 2002.)