O¡Connor, Petroff re-elected to top labor council spotsJudy OConnor was re-elected to a new four-year term as executive secretary-treasurer of the Northwest Oregon Labor Council and Bob Petroff was re-elected president. Both elections were by acclamation and are for four-year terms. In the only contested race, Lynn Lehrbach of Teamsters Joint Council No. 37 defeated David Raahahn of Oregon Council 75 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) for second vice president. The standing vote count was 91-34. The post was vacated by Barbara Hougen of Electrical Workers Local 89, who ran uncontested for first vice president. Hougen has been the councils second vice president since 1987. She succeeds Joe Devlaeminck, who retired as first vice president last year. OConnor is a longtime member of Office and Professional Employees Local 11 who begins her second term as leader of the states largest central labor council. She was first elected to the full-time position in April 1998, succeeding Ron Fortune, who retired. Petroff, too, begins his second term as president. Petroff is the directing business representative of Machinists District Lodge 24 and is a delegate from Lodge 63. Lehrbach is a 34-year member of the Teamsters and a longtime representative of Portland-based Joint Council No. 37. He served five years as a trustee of NOLC. Others elected by acclamation were: Position 1: Glenn Shuck, Steelworkers Local 330; Position 2: Jim Cook, Letter Carriers Branch 82; Position 3: Janet Irwin, AFSCME Local 88; Position 4: Gene Pronovost, president, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 555; Position 5: Wally Mehrens, executive secretary-treasurer, Columbia-Pacific Building Trades Council; Position 6: Dan Sass, secretary-treasurer, Machinists District Lodge 24 and a delegate from Lodge 1432; and Position 7: Ed Barnes, Electrical Workers Local 48. Elected reading clerks were Bob Spicher of UFCW Local 555 and Scott Lucy of Machinists Lodge 63. Bill Turpen of Machinists Lodge 63 and Fred Lamb of Machinists Lodge 1005 were elected sergeants-at-arms; and Shannon Walker of OPEIU Local 277; Elisa Gonzales of UFCW Local 555 and Jeff Richardson of Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Local 9, were elected trustees. All terms are for four years. © Oregon Labor Press Publishing Co. Inc.