AFL-CIO COPE confab June 19-20SALEM - The 45th annual convention of the Oregon AFL-CIO will be held at the Linn County Fair & Expo Center in Albany Monday and Tuesday, June 19-20. Delegates will decide political endorsements for the November general election. Statewide posts up for grabs include secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer and Supreme Court justice. The traditional Welcome Party will be held Sunday, June 18, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Timber Linn Park across from the fairgrounds. The popular Union Label Show is scheduled for Monday, June 19, at 7 p.m. at the fairgrounds. The AFL-CIO Executive Board will meet at 1 p.m. Sunday, June 18, followed by a Committee on Political Education board meeting at 3 p.m. The E-Board meets again immediately following adjournment on June 20. During the convention lunch break on Monday, June 19, the Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters and Carpenters Local 1094 are planning to bus delegates to Corvallis Good Samaritan Hospital for a rally to promote a responsible bidder pledge program. Buses will be provided by Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 757 and box lunches will be donated by the regional council. ATU is providing bus service as a "thank you" for the Carpenters' assistance in last year's prevailing wage ballot measure for city and school bus operators. Carpenters officials have met with Larry Mullins, chief executive officer of Samaritan Health Services, and he seems to be receptive to the idea of having a responsible bidder pledge when it comes to letting bids for future construction projects, said Roy Arehart, president of Local 1094. "Corvallis is a union town and this is a good opportunity for us to get Good Samaritan to agree to responsible bidder language," Arehart said. Recently, Operating Engineers Local 701 organized housekeepers at the hospital and last month the bargaining unit ratified its first contract.
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